hi, > Thanks again for these answers!
"why do not you setup a Web Service front-end to Condorand SGE and then submit/control jobs to different clusters using java/C client or portal? "If possible, I don't want to develop some code if a solution already exists for my problem. The main reason is that I haven't experience in web service development and so it'lltake me a lot of time to write/debug this code .. But, indeed, it's a very good idea!
you do not have to develop some new code, but simply check out and download stuff available here
http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=156652 you will find example command line and Java clients for OpenDSP, a Web GUI (JSR 168 portlet tested in different portlet containers- including Gridshpere) is under development, so expect a nice graphic interface soon ...
Cheers, Chris PSNC