Diego Bello wrote:
> On 11/20/06, Fabrice Charlier <charlier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> [Repost of my previous message with the right subject. Sorry for the inconvenient]
>> Hello,
>> [I hope it's the right place to ask my question. If not, can you
>> redirect me, please?]
>> At work, we are currently running a cluster dedicated to do simulation
>> and analysis for the CMS/LHC
>> experiment. This cluster use condor as job manager. We have to access to
>> a another cluster but this one
>> use Sun Grid Engine.
>> My question is: what's the best solution to interconnect these clusters?
> You can look for some meta-scheduler. They can be "on top" of
> individual schedulers.
thanks for your answer!
So, if I understand clearly the purpose of a meta-scheduler, the result
architecture will be:
----------------------- Meta-Scheduler------------------------
Condor Central
SGE Central
What do you propose as meta-scheduler that can communicate with Condor
and SGE ?