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Re: [Condor-users] Newbie ?s
Hi Christopher,
I am using the tgz version of Fedora Core 4. This is wokring fine on our servers here and is keeping the 1100 machines busy.
I would recommand you to use this one. Unpacking this in the /opt directory will give you a directory called condor-6.7.19.
You then run the installer. This installer will ask you where to create a new directory and put the files...
Just use the tgz, this should work for you.
You should also take care, that there are no other condor_configs around...
places to look for them is /etc/condor /home/<username> and /home/condor
The best thing will be to uninstall the rpm. The logfiles also report normally what config_file they use...
Best regards,
Michael Hess
PlymGrid Officer
University of Plymouth
Devon, UK
> Hello,
> I have recently been included in a project requiring Condor version 6.7.
> I would like to run this on a machine with Fedora Linux Core 5. However
> on
> the download page at
> I only
> see
> downloads for Fedora Linux Core 1 through 4.
> I tried downloading 6.7.19 for Core 4 and I double clicked on the RPM file
> to install. However, when I try to execute the instruction "sh
> /opt/condor-6.7.19/sbin/condor_master" as indicated at
> 26000000000000000, I get an error message saying "binary file cannot be
> executed".
> I have a series of questions below.
> 1) Would this be caused by the Core 4 version I selected? Is there a Core
> 5
> version available anywhere?
> 2) Also, the "<release_dir>/etc/condor_config" file indicated on the same
> aforementioned web page, is in my "/opt/condor-6.7.19/sbin" directory.
> What
> problems will this cause?
> 3) Should I use the RPM command to install Condor in the Terminal window?
> If so, can someone give me the exact syntaxt to install in my "/opt/"
> directory?
> Sincerely,
> Christopher Jon Jursa
> Geoinformatics Laboratory
> School of Information Sciences
> University of Pittsburgh
> web:
> email: cjursa@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> phone: 412-624-8858
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