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[Condor-users] HPDC 2006 Call for Participation
- Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 12:12:44 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Douglas L Thain <dthain@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [Condor-users] HPDC 2006 Call for Participation
-------------------------CALL FOR PARTICIPATION----------------------------
The 15th IEEE International Symposium on
High Performance Distributed Computing
June 19-23 2006
Paris, France
The Fifteenth IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Distributed
Computing (HPDC) will be a forum for presenting the latest research
findings on the design and use of parallel and distributed systems for
high end computing, collaboration, data analysis, and other innovative
applications. Scientific content will cover all aspects of
high-performance distributed computing, Grids, and global computing
HPDC'2006 organizers are very pleased to propose HPDC participants a rich
set of scientific events: 3 conference days + 3 Keynote addresses + 2
workshop days + 1 "hot topic session" + 2 Poster sessions.
In addition, participants will have the opportunity to stay in one of the
most beautiful cities in the world and taste top level French food:
Welcome reception + Breaks + Lunches in the Prestigious Lutetia Hotel,
right in the center of Paris. Banquet diner will take place on a boat,
cruising on the Seine river, from which all participants will discover
many monuments and historical buildings of Paris.
Please visit the conference web site for detailed information about the
conference program, schedule, registration, accommodation and
Registration is open on
----------------------------CONFERENCE PROGRAM----------------------------
Wednesday, June the 21st
09.30 - 10.30 Keynote: The Renaissance of Decentralized Systems,
Peter Druschel (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems),
10.30 - 11.00 coffee
11.00 - 12.30 Peer-to-Peer systems and overlay networks
Peer-to-Peer Size Estimation in Large and Dynamic Networks: a Comparative Study
Erwan Le Merrer (FTR&D / IRISA), Anne-Marie Kermarrec (INRIA / IRISA),
Laurent Massouli (Microsoft Research)
Self-Regulating Data Streams for Predictable High Performance across
Dynamic Network Overlay
Zhongtang Cai, Vibhore Kumar, Karsten Schwan (Georgia Institute of Technology)
WOW: Self-organizing Wide Area Overlay Networks of Virtual Workstations
Arijit Ganguly, Abhishek Agrawal, P. Boykin, Renato Figueiredo
(University of Florida)
12.30 - 14.00 lunch
14.00 - 15.30 Applications
A Case Study Using Automatic Performance Tuning for Large-Scale
Scientific Programs
I-Hsin Chung (IBM Research), Jeffrey Hollingsworth (Department of
Computer Science, University of Maryland)
Path Grammar Guided Trace Compression and Trace Approximation
Xiaofeng Gao*, Allan Snavely+, Larry Carter*, *(University of
California at San Diego), +(San Diego Supercomputing Center)
Filecules in High-Energy Physics: Characteristics and Impact on
Resource Management
Adriana Iamnitchi, Shyamala Doraimani (University of South Florida),
Gabriele Garzoglio (Fermi National Laboratory)
15.30 - 16.00 coffee + Posters Session #1
16.00 -17.30 Fault Tolerance and Reliability
Fault Tolerance of Tornado Codes for Archival Storage
Matthew Woitaszek, Henry M. Tufo (University of Colorado at Boulder)
Resource Failure Prediction in Fine-Grained Cycle Sharing Systems
Xiaojuan Ren, Seyong Lee, Rudolf Eigenmann, Saurabh Bagchi (Purdue University)
Replicating Nondeterministic Services on Grid Environments
Xianan Zhang*, Flavio Junqueira* , Matti Hiltunen+, Keith Marzullo*,
Richard Schlichting+ , *(University of California at San Diego),
+(AT&T Labs - Research)
Thursday, June the 22nd
09.00 - 10.00 Keynote: Feasibility of automatic adaptation of
structured parallel programs,
Marco Danelutto (University of Pisa)
10.00 - 10.30 Coffee
10.30 - 12.30 Resource management
Service contracts and aggregate utility functions
Alvin AuYoung (University of California at San Diego), Laura Grit
(Duke University), Janet Wiener, John Wilkes (HP Labs)
Market-Based Resource Allocation using Price Prediction in a High
Performance Computing Grid for Scientific Applications
Thomas Sandholm*, Kevin Lai (HP Labs, Palo Alto), Jorge Andrade
Ortis*, Jacob Odeberg *, *(KTH - Royal Institute of Technology,
Optimal Bandwidth Sharing in Grid Environment
Loris Marchal (LIP), Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet, Yves Robert, Jingdi
A Tool for Prioritizing DAGMan Jobs and Its Evaluation
Grzegorz Malewicz (Google Inc.), Ian Foster (Argonne NL / U.Chicago),
Arnold Rosenberg (UMass Amherst), Michael Wilde (Argonne NL)
12.30 - 14.00 lunch
14.00 - 15.30 Hot topics (6 presentations of 15 minutes)
Data Mining-based Fault Prediction and Detection on the Grid
Rubing Duan (University of Innsbruck)
Troubleshooting Distributed Systems via Data Mining
David Cieslak, Douglas Thain, Nitesh Chawla (University of Notre Dame)
Policy Driven Virtual Machine Monitor for Protected Grids
Fabrizio Baiardi*, Paolo Mori+, Laura Ricci*, Anna Vaccarelli+,
*(Dipartimento di Informatica - Universita' di Pisa), +(IIT-CNR)
Autonomic Adaptation of Virtual Distributed Environments in a
Multi-Domain Infrastructure
Dongyan Xu, Paul Ruth, Junghwan Rhee, Rick Kennel, Sebastien Goasguen
(Purdue University)
Materializing Highly Available Grids
Mark Silberstein, Gabriel Kliot, Artiom Sharov, Assaf Schuster
(Technion), Miron Livny (UW, Madison)
Toward Self Organizing Grids
Nael Abu-Ghazaleh, Michael J. Lewis (SUNY-Binghamton)
15.30 - 16.00 coffee + Posters Session #2
16.00 -17.30 Software environments
Motor: A Virtual Machine for High Performance Computing
Wojtek James Goscinski, David Abramson (Monash University)
Runtime support for memory adaptation in scientific applications via
local disk and remote memory
Chuan Yue*, Richard Mills (Oak Ridge National Lab), Andreas
Stathopoulos*, Dimitrios Nikolopoulos*, *(College of William and Mary)
Building Generic SOAP Framework over Binary XML for Scientific Applications
Wei Lu*, Kenneth Chiu (State University of New York at Binghamton),
Dennis Gannon*, *(Indiana University)
Friday, June the 23rd
09.00 - 10.00 Keynote: Folding@Home: Using Worldwide distributed
computing to break fundamental barriers in molecular simulation,
`Vijay Pande (Stanford University)
10.00 - 10.30 Coffee
10.30 - 12.30 I/O
Improving I/O Performance of Clustered Storage Systems by Adaptive
Request Distribution
Changxun Wu, Randal Burns (Johns Hopkins University)
Improving the Performance of Remote I/O Using Asynchronous Primitives
Nawab Ali, Mario Lauria (The Ohio State University)
Exploring I/O Strategies for Parallel Sequence Database Search Tools with S3aSim
Avery Ching, Alok Choudhary (Northwestern University), Heshan Lin
(North Carolina State University), Wu-chun Feng (Los Alamos National
Laboratory), Xiaosong Ma (North Carolina State University and Oak
Ridge National Laboratory)
Task Scheduling and File Replication for Data-Intensive Jobs with
Batch-shared I/O
Gaurav Khanna, Nagavijayalakhsmi Vydyanathan, Umit Catalyurek, Tahsin
Kurc, Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Ponnuswamy Sadayappan, Joel Saltz (The
Ohio State University)
12.30 - 14.00 lunch
14.00 - 16.00 Scheduling
On the Harmfulness of Redundant Batch Requests
Henri Casanova (University of Hawai`i at Manoa)
How to Avoid Herd: A Novel Stochastic Algorithm in Grid Scheduling
Qinghua Zheng, Haijun Yang, Yuzhong Sun (Institute of Computing
Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
ALPS: An Application-Level Proportional-Share Scheduler
Travis Newhouse, Joseph Pasquale (University of California at San Diego)
Scheduling Mixed Workloads In Multi-grid Environments
Mark Silberstein*, Dan Geiger*, Miron Livny (University of Wisconsin),
Assaf Schuster*, *(Technion)
-------------------------------POSTER PROGRAM-----------------------------
First Session
Performance and Practicability of Dynamic Adaptation for Parallel
Computing: an Experience Feedback
Jeremy Buisson*, Francoise Andre (IRISA/University of Rennes 1),
Jean-Louis Pazat, *(IRISA/INSA of Rennes)
Efficient services composition for grid-enabled dataintensive applications
Glatard Tristan (CNRS/INRIA), Montagnat Johan (CNRS), Pennec Xavier (INRIA)
Ensuring numerical quality in grid computing
Andreas Frommer, Matthias Huesken (University of Wuppertal)
Integration of Legacy Grid systems with Emerging Grid Standards
Mark Morgan, Andrew Grimshaw, Duane Merrill, Woochul Kang (University
of Virginia)
Automatic Middleware Deployment Planning on Clusters
Pushpinder Kaur Chouhan, Holly Dail, Eddy Caron, Frederic Vivien (ENS Lyon)
Robust Resource Allocation for Large-scale Distributed Shared Resource
Yang-Suk Kee, Ken Yocum, Andrew Chien (University of California, San
Diego), Henri Casanova (University of Hawaii)
Cluster-Wide Adaptive I/O Scheduling for Concurrent Parallel Applications
Adrien Lebre (ID-IMAG Laboratory), Przemyslaw Sowa (ICS-Czestochowa),
Yves Denneulin, Guillaume Huard (ID-IMAG Laboratory)
Dynamic Optimization of Communications over High Speed Networks
Elisabeth Brunet, Olivier Aumage, Raymond Namyst (University of Bordeaux 1)
Cooperative Caching in the pCFS parallel Cluster File System
Paulo A. Lopes, Pedro A. Medeiros (DI-FCT/UNL)
PetaCache: A Memory-Based Data- Server System
Chuck Boeheim, Andrew Hanushevsky, David Leith, Randy Melen, Richard
Mount, Bill Weeks (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
A High Throughput Approach to Combinatorial Search on Grids
Yan Liu, Alberto Maria Segre, Shaowen Wang (The University of Iowa)
Is Unmetered, Scalable Computation Worth the Price?
Huadong Liu, Micah Beck (The University of Tennessee)
Geometrical interpretation for data partitioning
Dominique Bernardi (University of Paris 6), Christophe Cérin
(University of Paris Nord & LIPN), Hazem Fkaier, Mohamed Jemni (Ecole
Supérieure des Sciences et techniques de Tunis), Michel Koskas
(University of Picardie & LAMFA-CNRS)
XtremLab: A System for Characterizing Volunteer Computing Resources
Paul Malecot, Derrick Kondo, Gilles Fedak (INRIA)
Second Session
Effective Prediction of Job Processing Times in a Large-Scale Grid Environment
Menno Dobber*, Rob van der Mei (CWI and Vrije Universiteit), Ger
Koole*, *(Vrije Universiteit)
When Jobs Play Nice: The Case For Symbiotic Space-Sharing
Jonathan Weinberg (University of California, San Diego), Allan Snavely
(San Diego Supercomputer Center)
PARM: Physics Aware Runtime Manager for Large-scale Scientific and
Engineering Applications
Yeliang Zhang, Salim Hariri, Jianwei Xiang, Jim Yeh (University of Arizona)
Using File Grouping to Improve the Disk Performance
Tsozen Yeh, Joseph Arul, Jia-Shian Wu, I-Fan Chen, Kuo-Hsin Tan (Fu
Jen Catholic University)
Improving resource matching through estimation of actual job requirements
Elad Yom-Tov, Yariv Aridor (IBM Haifa Research Lab)
Bob++: Framework for Solving Optimization Problems with Branch-and-Bound methods
Djerrah Abdelaziz; Le Cun Bertrand*, Cung Van-Dat (INPGrenoble),
Roucairol Catherine*, *(University of Versailles)
An Implementation of the Message Passing Interface over an Adaptive
Peer-to-Peer Network
Lei Ni, Aaron Harwood (University of Melbourne)
Iteration Aware Replica Selection in the Data Grid
Sridhar Ramakrishnan, Philip J. Rhodes (University of Mississippi)
A method of adaptive coarsening for compressing scientific datasets
Tallat M. Shafaat (Royal Institute of Technology), Scott B. Baden
(University of California, San Diego)
Toward a New Direction on Data Management in Grids
Aurélien Ortiz, Jacques Jorda, Abdelaziz M'zoughi (IRIT)
PROOF - The Parallel ROOT Facility
Maarten Ballintijn (MIT), Bertrand Bellenot, Rene Brun (CERN),
Philippe Canal (FNAL), Derek Feichtinger (PSI), Gerardo Ganis, Jan
Iwaszkiewicz, Guenter Kickinger (CERN), Constantin Loizides (MIT),
Andreas Joachim Peters, Fons Rademakers (CERN), Corey Reed (MIT)
Dynamic Programming Based Approach for Bicriteria Workflow Scheduling
on the Grid
Marek Wieczorek, Radu Prodan, Thomas Fahringer (UIBK)
RENATER dark fiber "Project Architecture"
Philippe d'Anfray, Franck Simon (GIP RENATER)
The SIMGRID Project: Simulation and Deployment of Distributed Applications
Arnaud Legrand (ID-CNRS & INRIA Mescal), Martin Quinson (University of
Nancy I & LORIA), Henri Casanova, Kayo Fujiwara (University of Hawaï
at Manoa)
------------------------------WORKSHOP PROGRAM-----------------------------
June 19,2006
Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed Environments (CLADE),
Workshop on Experimental Grid testbeds for the assessment of
large-scale distributed applications and tools (EXPGRID),
Workshop on HPC Grid programming Environments and COmponents and
Component and Framework Technology in High-Performance and Scientific
EGEE Workshop on Management of Rights in Production Grids,
June 20,2006
Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS),
Workshop on Next-Generation Distributed Data Management,
Workshop on Grid-Enabling Legacy Applications and Supporting End Users (GELA),
Workshop on the Use of P2P, GRID and Agents for the Development of
Content Distribution Networks (UPGRADE-CDN),
-------------------------CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION---------------------------
Franck Cappello, INRIA, France
Andrew A. Chien, UCSD, USA (Chair)
Salim Hariri, Univ. of Arizona, USA (Chair)
Henri Bal, VrijeUniv., The Netherlands
Franck Cappello, INRIA, France
Jack Dongarra, Univ. of Tennessee, USA
Ian Foster, ANL& Univ. of Chicago, USA
Andrew Grimshaw, Univ. of Virginia, USA
Carl Kesselman, USC/Inform. Sci. Institute, USA
Miron Livny, Univ. of Wisconsin, USA
Manish Parashar, Rutgers Univ., USA
Karsten Schwan, Georgia Tech., USA
David Walker, Univ. of Cardiff, UK
Rich Wolski, Univ. of Calif., Santa Barbara, USA
Henri E. Bal, Vrije Univ., The Netherlands
Rich Wolski, Univ. of Calif., Santa Barbara, USA
Remzi Arpaci Dusseau, University of Wisconsin, USA
Jim Basney, Univeristy of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
Henri Casanova, Univ. of Hawaii, USA
Ann Chervenak, USC/Information Sciences Institute, USA
Andrew Chien, University of California, San Diego, USA
Giovanni Chiola, University of Genova, Italia
Peter Dinda, Northwestern University, USA
Allen Downey, Olin College, USA
Dick Epema, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Renato Figueiredo, University of Florida, USA
Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory, Univ. of Chicago, USA
Brent Gorda, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
Sergei Gorlatch, Universitaet Muenster, Germany
Liviu Iftode, Rutgers Univ., USA
Fabrice Huet, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis, INRIA-CNRS, France
Marty Humphrey, University of Virginia, USA
Laxmikant Kale, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
Carl Kesselman, USC/Information Sciences Institute, USA
Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Mario Lauria, Ohio State University, USA
Jason Leigh, Electronic Visualization Laboratory, USA
Miron Livny, University of Wisconsin, USA
Stephen McCough, Imperial College London, UK
Allen Malony, University of Oregon, USA
Satoshi Matsuoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Jose Moreira, IBM Watson Research Center, USA
Thierry Priol, IRISA/INRIA, France
Alexander Reinefeld, Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
Stefan Saroiu, University of Toronto, Canada
Jennifer Schopf, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Karsten Schwan , Georgia tech. University, USA
Peter Steenkiste, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Thomas Stricker, Google European Engineering Centre, Switzerland
Jaspal Subhlok, Univ. of Houston, USA
Kenjiro Taura, University of Tokyo, Japan,
Brian Tierney, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, USA
Amit Vahdat, University of California, San Diego, USA
Robbert Van Renesse, Cornell University, USA
Jon Weissman, University of Minnesota, USA
Martin Swany, Univ. of Delaware, Newark, USA
Sebastien Tixeuil, Univ. of Paris South, France
Pascale Primet, INRIA, France
Daniel Nurmi, Univ. of Calif., Santa Barbara, USA
Christophe Cerin, Univ. Paris XIII, France
Catherine Girard, INRIA, France
Douglas Thain, University of Notre Dame, USA
Francoise Baude, U. Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France
Osamu Tatebe, University of Tsukuba