On Sep 28, 2005, at 8:54 PM, æäè wrote: ...
It sounds like you didn't install GT4's Condor interface. It's not installed by default. Using the source installer, you need to either specify '--enable-wsgram-condor' to configure or run 'makeÂgt4-gram-condor install'. I'm not sure if the binary installations work the same way. +----------------------------------+---------------------------------+ |     ÂÂJaime Frey     ÂÂ|ÂÂPublic Split on Whether   ÂÂ| |   ÂÂjfrey@xxxxxxxxxxx   ÂÂ|ÂÂBush Is a Divider      ÂÂ| |ÂÂhttp://www.cs.wisc.edu/~jfrey/ÂÂ|   ÂÂ-- CNN Scrolling Banner | +----------------------------------+---------------------------------+ |