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RE: [Condor-users] Fwd: [Condor] Problem


That's interesting because after months without a problem my pool
manager started producing the same messages.  It started Sunday May 29
yet the system hasn't changed since hotfixes were applied on April 20.
If get any insight into the problem, please let me know.


Bryan S. Maher
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

-----Original Message-----
From: condor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:condor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Florian
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 5:09 AM
To: condor-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Condor-users] Fwd: [Condor] Problem

Dear group,
after months of no problem, I suddenly get the following error from each
machine in the pool ..
Can you help?

>This is an automated email from the Condor system
>on machine "esa029a72212.lancs.local".  Do not reply.
>"c:\program_files\condor/bin/condor_collector.exe" on
"esa029a72212.lancs.local" died due to exception ACCESS_VIOLATION.
>Condor will automatically restart this process in 10 seconds.
>*** Last 20 line(s) of file CollectorLog:
>6/1 10:03:16 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session
esa029a72212:1792:1117068206:167, failing.
>6/1 10:03:17 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session
esa029a72212:1792:1117068197:156, failing.
>6/1 10:03:18 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session
esa029a72212:1792:1117068191:153, failing.
>6/1 10:03:18 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session
esa029a72212:1792:1117068195:155, failing.
>6/1 10:03:22 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session
esa029a72212:1792:1117068200:162, failing.
>6/1 10:03:25 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session
esa029a72212:1792:1116837791:10, failing.
>6/1 10:03:32 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session
esa029a72212:1792:1116837800:16, failing.
>6/1 10:03:49 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session
esa029a72212:1792:1116837859:28, failing.
>6/1 10:03:50 Got QUERY_SCHEDD_ADS
>6/1 10:03:50 (Sent 0 ads in response to query)
>6/1 10:03:51 (Sent 3 ads in response to query)
>6/1 10:03:51 Got QUERY_STARTD_PVT_ADS
>6/1 10:03:51 (Sent 1 ads in response to query)
>6/1 10:03:52 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session
esa029a72212:1792:1116838178:49, failing.
>6/1 10:03:58 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session
esa029a72212:1816:1116335326:325, failing.
>6/1 10:04:53 DaemonCore: received unregistered command request 50 !
>6/1 10:05:04 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session
esa029a72212:1792:1116837897:34, failing.
>6/1 10:05:08 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session
esa029a72212:2716:1116468318:18, failing.
>6/1 10:05:16 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session
esa029a72212:1792:1116837919:35, failing.
>6/1 10:05:20 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session
esa029a72212:2716:1116468334:20, failing.
>*** End of file CollectorLog
>*** Last entry in core file core.COLLECTOR.WIN32
>Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
>Fault address:  0043E37E 01:0003D37E
>SS:ESP:0023:0012C450  EBP:0012D470
>DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:0000
>Call stack:
>Address   Frame
>0043E37E  0012C450  _condorInMsg::peek+F
>0043AD97  0012D470  SafeSock::peek+8A
>0043B3AF  0012D480  SafeSock::isIncomingDataMD5ed+10
>00428B79  0012FEF4  DaemonCore::HandleReq+EA
>004288BD  0012FF30  DaemonCore::Driver+786
>0042F8AD  0012FF68  dc_main+8BF
>0042F9B9  0012FF80  main+CE
>00442C44  00000001  mainCRTStartup+C5
>*** End of file core.COLLECTOR.WIN32
>Questions about this message or Condor in general?
>Email address of the local Condor administrator:
>The Official Condor Homepage is http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor

Dr. Florian Pappenberger

Department of Environmental Sciences (Room B31a)
Lancaster University
Lancaster, LA1 4YQ

email: f.pappenberger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tel +44 (0) 15 24 - 59 38 94 


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