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[Condor-users] Fwd: [Condor] Problem

Dear group,
after months of no problem, I suddenly get the following error from each machine in the pool ..
Can you help?

>This is an automated email from the Condor system
>on machine "esa029a72212.lancs.local".  Do not reply.
>"c:\program_files\condor/bin/condor_collector.exe" on "esa029a72212.lancs.local" died due to exception ACCESS_VIOLATION.
>Condor will automatically restart this process in 10 seconds.
>*** Last 20 line(s) of file CollectorLog:
>6/1 10:03:16 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session esa029a72212:1792:1117068206:167, failing.
>6/1 10:03:17 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session esa029a72212:1792:1117068197:156, failing.
>6/1 10:03:18 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session esa029a72212:1792:1117068191:153, failing.
>6/1 10:03:18 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session esa029a72212:1792:1117068195:155, failing.
>6/1 10:03:22 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session esa029a72212:1792:1117068200:162, failing.
>6/1 10:03:25 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session esa029a72212:1792:1116837791:10, failing.
>6/1 10:03:32 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session esa029a72212:1792:1116837800:16, failing.
>6/1 10:03:49 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session esa029a72212:1792:1116837859:28, failing.
>6/1 10:03:50 Got QUERY_SCHEDD_ADS
>6/1 10:03:50 (Sent 0 ads in response to query)
>6/1 10:03:51 (Sent 3 ads in response to query)
>6/1 10:03:51 Got QUERY_STARTD_PVT_ADS
>6/1 10:03:51 (Sent 1 ads in response to query)
>6/1 10:03:52 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session esa029a72212:1792:1116838178:49, failing.
>6/1 10:03:58 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session esa029a72212:1816:1116335326:325, failing.
>6/1 10:04:53 DaemonCore: received unregistered command request 50 !
>6/1 10:05:04 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session esa029a72212:1792:1116837897:34, failing.
>6/1 10:05:08 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session esa029a72212:2716:1116468318:18, failing.
>6/1 10:05:16 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session esa029a72212:1792:1116837919:35, failing.
>6/1 10:05:20 DC_AUTHENTICATE: attempt to open invalid session esa029a72212:2716:1116468334:20, failing.
>*** End of file CollectorLog
>*** Last entry in core file core.COLLECTOR.WIN32
>Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
>Fault address:  0043E37E 01:0003D37E c:\program_files\condor\bin\condor_collector.exe
>SS:ESP:0023:0012C450  EBP:0012D470
>DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:0000
>Call stack:
>Address   Frame
>0043E37E  0012C450  _condorInMsg::peek+F
>0043AD97  0012D470  SafeSock::peek+8A
>0043B3AF  0012D480  SafeSock::isIncomingDataMD5ed+10
>00428B79  0012FEF4  DaemonCore::HandleReq+EA
>004288BD  0012FF30  DaemonCore::Driver+786
>0042F8AD  0012FF68  dc_main+8BF
>0042F9B9  0012FF80  main+CE
>00442C44  00000001  mainCRTStartup+C5
>*** End of file core.COLLECTOR.WIN32
>Questions about this message or Condor in general?
>Email address of the local Condor administrator: f.pappenberger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>The Official Condor Homepage is http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor

Dr. Florian Pappenberger

Department of Environmental Sciences (Room B31a)
Lancaster University
Lancaster, LA1 4YQ

email: f.pappenberger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tel +44 (0) 15 24 - 59 38 94 
