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[Condor-users] condor setup using nfs....
- Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 18:46:16 -0700
- From: "bruce" <bedouglas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [Condor-users] condor setup using nfs....
ok... i made the following changes.... and somehow not quite there!!!
1) got the nfs share up/running. i have 3 systems accessing the share and
all use /college/data as the mountpoint... each of the 3 systems is also
running condor (lserver2, lserver3, lserver5) lserver5 is the manager.
2) made changes to the /etc/hosts files (yeah, i know.. the dns should
really take care of all the issues...) each 'hosts' file has information for
the 3 systems...
3) tried to make changes to the condor_config files to incorporate the nfs
setup... this doesn't work...
4) i went back to the submit file and tried to change it back (as well as
the config files) to be able to get back to where we were earlier when we
could run on all the machines..
i've somehow altered something, and it appears that i con only run local
files on lserver2....
the setup is close!!!!!!
any help/comments/etc... i've given you access to lserver3 as well... it's
the same as the other machines...
-----Original Message-----
From: Nathan Mueller [mailto:nmueller@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2004 7:09 AM
To: bruce
Cc: condor-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Condor-users] range of LoadAvg...
> given that LoadAvg is a float.. am i correct in assuming that this
> attribute has a range between 0-1.0....
No, load average has no max value. The load is the average number of
processes running (or in disk wait) over some period of time. It's
pretty common to see loads over 10.
> if i'm wrong, can someone shed any light as to the range of this
> attribute. i'm considering using this as a way to essentially select a
> given machine within my network. ie, start on machine if the 'loadavg
> < 0.5'...
That's a pretty reasonable value. At the UW we don't start a job if the
load is greater then .3. This is also the default in the condor config.
That's to provide a fair number of cycles for jobs as well as to not
disrupt high load interactive jobs. If you want to run on machines with
the lowest load possible you'd be better off setting the job's rank in
your submit file to something like (1 / LoadAvg).