[HTCondor-devel] Build condor on aarch64

Date: Mon, 11 May 2020 19:27:22 +0800
From: Chun-Yu Lin <lincy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [HTCondor-devel] Build condor on aarch64
Dear condor-devel team,
ÂÂÂ I try to build condor-8.8.9 on my aarch64 cluster.
But the cmake complains about finding no linux/nfsd/const.h, even if I disable using it by un-defining it in cmake:


Is nfsd/const.h necessary? Since I can not even found it on my CentOS7 aarch64 kernel source ?
And, where could I found more information about condor on aarch64 mahicne ?

Thank you,

Chun-Yu Lin (Chris) æäé 

Associate Researcher
National Center for High-performance Computing(NCHC), Taiwan
Office: +886-3-5776085 ext. 287

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