Re: [HTCondor-devel] New warning with HTCondor 8.2.2

Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 11:27:17 -0500
From: "John (TJ) Knoeller" <johnkn@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [HTCondor-devel] New warning with HTCondor 8.2.2
remove Memory >= 350 from Requirements,   and add
request_memory = 350

to make the warning go away.   I would not expect submit to be failing because of this, however.


On 8/15/2014 9:12 PM, Krieger, Donald N. wrote:

I am seeing the following warning and condor_submit is failing:

Hi Mats,


I’m seeing the following:


WARNING: your Requirements _expression_ refers to TARGET.Memory.  This is obsolete.  Set request_memory and condor_submit will modify the Requirements _expression_ as needed.


Here is the submit file ---  ?  Any help would be appreciated.


  Executable    = OSG_RemoteExec_01http.csh

  arguments     = "SUBJECT_SESSION CoarseXYZ_FINE DATASUF"

  Universe      = Vanilla

  Requirements  = Memory >= 350 && OpSys == "LINUX" && Arch == "X86_64" && (HAS_TCSH =?= True)

# Rank          = kflops

  Image_Size    = 350000

  Log           = CoarseXYZ_FINE.log

# Error         = CoarseXYZ_FINE.Elog

# output        = CoarseXYZ_FINE.Olog

  notification  = Never

       priority = PRIORITY


  should_transfer_files = YES

  when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT


  transfer_input_files = CoarseXYZ_FINE.tar

  transfer_output_files = SUBJECT_SESSION/R




# periodic_release = ((CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus) > (5*60))

# periodic_remove  = (JobStatus == 5) && ((CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus) > 86400)


# step 40 msec: 70 minutes

# step 20 msec: 150 minutes

  periodic_hold    =     (JobStatus==2) && ((CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus) > (390*60))

  periodic_release = (NumJobStarts < 1) && ((CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus) > (10*60))


+ProjectName = "ACCOUNT"









Don Krieger, Ph.D.

Department of Neurological Surgery

University of Pittsburgh

(412)648-9654 Office

(412)521-4431 Cell/Text








Don Krieger, Ph.D.

Department of Neurological Surgery

University of Pittsburgh

(412)648-9654 Office

(412)521-4431 Cell/Text


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