Re: [HTCondor-devel] p-slots and preemption

Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 22:51:28 -0400 (EDT)
From: Erik Erlandson <eje@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [HTCondor-devel] p-slots and preemption
With consumption policies, the way to get slots with more RAM would be:

# startd config:
CONSUMPTION_CPUS = quantize(target.Cpus, {1})
CONSUMPTION_MEMORY = quantize(target.Memory, {2500})
CONSUMPTION_DISK = quantize(target.Disk, {100}) # or whatever

FYI, consumption policies are now available on master.  Another way memory quantization could also be achieved is using

MODIFY_REQUEST_EXPR_REQUESTMEMORY = quantize(RequestMemory,{2500})

----- Original Message -----
> Hi,
> We recently tried to enable preemption on our local cluster - and, well, not
> much happened.
> We were trying to preempt opportunistic jobs - 1.9GB RAM, 1 core requested
> apiece - with CMS jobs - 2.5GB RAM, 1 core.  Unfortunately, we use p-slots.
> That means each opportunistic job runs in a slot which is precisely 1.9GB
> of RAM, too small for CMS jobs to match.
> CMS jobs don't match, meaning they can't preempt, meaning the high priority
> folks starve in line after the low-priority folks.
> I can't think of any particular way to "simply" fix this.
> Thoughts?  How would this work with eje's consumption branch?
> Brian
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