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Re: [Condor-devel] Typo in Schedd WSDL

David Arthur wrote:
The enum for the LOCAL universe is misspelled as LOCALUNIVESE. Aside
from the misspelling, it should probably be just LOCAL for

Version String:
    $CondorVersion: 7.4.3 Aug  4 2010 BuildID: 261829 $
    $CondorPlatform: X86_64-LINUX_RHEL5 $

Snippet from condorSchedd.wsdl:
    <simpleType name="UniverseType">
      <restriction base="xsd:string">
      <enumeration value="STANDARD"/><!-- enum const = 1 -->
      <enumeration value="VANILLA"/><!-- enum const = 5 -->
      <enumeration value="SCHEDULER"/><!-- enum const = 7 -->
      <enumeration value="MPI"/><!-- enum const = 8 -->
      <enumeration value="GRID"/><!-- enum const = 9 -->
      <enumeration value="JAVA"/><!-- enum const = 10 -->
      <enumeration value="PARALLEL"/><!-- enum const = 11 -->
      <enumeration value="LOCALUNIVESE"/><!-- enum const = 12 -->
      <enumeration value="VM"/><!-- enum const = 13 -->

That sounds very reasonable. Do you have an idea what the change may do to existing applications written against a WSDL that properly says "LOCAL" instead of "LOCALUNIVESE"? The compatibility issues may be minimal for existing apps.




commit c87831b93f4a3709d3397d3945503ba83cc7735f
Author: burnett <burnett>
Date:   Tue Dec 11 23:06:32 2007 +0000

+ Updated the part of the SOAP API to reflect the new universes we support, and removed the old ones we no longer do (hopefully did not introduce any name conflicts: had to call one LOCALUNIVERSE so as not to collide with LOCAL (yuck), which is one of our constants)

diff --git a/src/condor_schedd.V6/gsoap_schedd_types.h b/src/condor_schedd.V6/gsoap_schedd_types.h
index 9b92e95..c240627 100644
--- a/src/condor_schedd.V6/gsoap_schedd_types.h
+++ b/src/condor_schedd.V6/gsoap_schedd_types.h
@@ -28,12 +28,14 @@ enum condor__HashType {

 enum condor__UniverseType {
   STANDARD = 1,
   VANILLA = 5,
   MPI = 8,
-  GLOBUS = 9,
-  JAVA = 10
+  GRID = 9,
+  JAVA = 10,
+  PARALLEL = 11,
+  VM = 13

 struct condor__Transaction