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Re: [Condor-devel] Typo in Schedd WSDL


thanks for pointing that out. We decided to go with your suggestion and already changed it in the current developer series. The change will be in release 7.5.5. We cannot apply it to the current stable series, since it breaks backwards compatibility.


On 10/13/2010 12:17 PM, David Arthur wrote:
The enum for the LOCAL universe is misspelled as LOCALUNIVESE. Aside
from the misspelling, it should probably be just LOCAL for

Version String:
     $CondorVersion: 7.4.3 Aug  4 2010 BuildID: 261829 $
     $CondorPlatform: X86_64-LINUX_RHEL5 $

Snippet from condorSchedd.wsdl:
     <simpleType name="UniverseType">
       <restriction base="xsd:string">
       <enumeration value="STANDARD"/><!-- enum const = 1 -->
       <enumeration value="VANILLA"/><!-- enum const = 5 -->
       <enumeration value="SCHEDULER"/><!-- enum const = 7 -->
       <enumeration value="MPI"/><!-- enum const = 8 -->
       <enumeration value="GRID"/><!-- enum const = 9 -->
       <enumeration value="JAVA"/><!-- enum const = 10 -->
       <enumeration value="PARALLEL"/><!-- enum const = 11 -->
       <enumeration value="LOCALUNIVESE"/><!-- enum const = 12 -->
       <enumeration value="VM"/><!-- enum const = 13 -->

Cathrin Weiss
Condor Project