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Re: [Condor-devel] cost of DC timers we don't need?

Derek Wright wrote:
part of my starter hacking involves moving the periodic update logic higher up in the JIC class hierarchy, since any starter might define HOOK_UPDATE_JOB_INFO. currently, the code is a little dumb, in that it always registers the timer, and the timer handler itself invokes a method to do the update (which decides if there's a hook to invoke or not). this is because the JICShadow *always* wants the timer (for the shadow RSC), but it's the base class that's now managing the timer (so it can be shared).

do we care about a DC timer going off that doesn't do anything in the case of non-shadow starters that don't define this hook?

i could add another JIC method like "needsPeriodicUpdate()", which JICShadow always returns true, and the others just use the base class's version which checks to see if there's a periodic hook defined.

is it worth the trouble?


probably not, unless the timer is going off real often (which i guess is not the case above).

the only cost of a timer firing in an otherwise idle dc process is : (a) crap written into the starterlog depending upon logging level, and (b) it may prevent the starter from being more fully swapped out by the OS. no big deal imho.

Todd Tannenbaum                       University of Wisconsin-Madison
Condor Project Research               Department of Computer Sciences
tannenba@xxxxxxxxxxx                  1210 W. Dayton St. Rm #4257
Phone: (608) 263-7132                 Madison, WI 53706-1685