part of my starter hacking involves moving the periodic update logic
higher up in the JIC class hierarchy, since any starter might define
HOOK_UPDATE_JOB_INFO. currently, the code is a little dumb, in that it
always registers the timer, and the timer handler itself invokes a
method to do the update (which decides if there's a hook to invoke or
not). this is because the JICShadow *always* wants the timer (for the
shadow RSC), but it's the base class that's now managing the timer (so
it can be shared).
do we care about a DC timer going off that doesn't do anything in the
case of non-shadow starters that don't define this hook?
i could add another JIC method like "needsPeriodicUpdate()", which
JICShadow always returns true, and the others just use the base class's
version which checks to see if there's a periodic hook defined.
is it worth the trouble?