Re: [Gems-users] Processor number in Opal

Date: Sun, 30 May 2010 22:21:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: Muhammad abid Mughal <mabidm_pieas@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Processor number in Opal
     Bear in the mind we are calling SIM_number_processor() function from Simics.Although the same function defined in simdist12.C, but its only for
debugging.SIM_number_processor() always returns the total number of processors in your system.It does not care about G_PROC_PER_CHIP.
Now its up to you how you interpret these processors in Gems(ie Ruby+Opal).

Muhammad abid

From: Amy Pang <pangjiufeng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: gems-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2010 12:43:58
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Processor number in Opal


I find that there is only one place defining SIM_number_processor() function ( $GEMS/opal/system/simdist12.C line 241). It is always return 1, which is used as Opal as the processor number in the system( $GEMS/opal/system/system.C line 207 ). I am a little confused about your reply. How could G_PROC_PER_CHIP (defineed by config file or reset by run-time parameter) affect the value returned by SIM_number_processor() funtion? 

Thanks very much.

Last reply

Message: 3
Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 07:19:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Muhammad abid Mughal <mabidm_pieas@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Gems Users <gems-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Processor number in Opal
Message-ID: <727777.3820.qm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

use the same ruby parameters  (g_PROCS_PER_CHIP, g_NUM_PROCESSORS)  to specify number of Opal processor
 SIM_number_processor() always returns 1 because you are using single processor checkpoint

if you are using 4 Opal processors (and each processor has 4 threads) then simics checkpoint must have 16 processors.

Muhammad abid

2010/5/27 Amy Pang <pangjiufeng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi list,

I find that the simulated processor number in Ruby could be set in $GEMS/ruby/config/rubyconfig.
default through two parameters (g_PROCS_PER_CHIP, g_NUM_PROCESSORS) and could be changed after booting up Simics. And the simulated processor number in Ruby should be same as that of Simics.

But how could you set simulated processor number in Opal? In $GEMS/opal/config/config.default, there is only CONFIG_LOGICAL_PER_PHY_PROC which is defined for SMT.  In $GEMS/opal/system/system.C line 207 SIM_number_processor() always returns 1, which is used as Opal as the processor number in the system.  That might dismatch with Ruby and Simics.

I am  new to GEMS and appreciate your help.

-Amy Pang

-Amy Pang

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