[Gems-users] Problem About Simcontinue and GetInstr Function

Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2010 16:18:10 +0800
From: fish fish <fishfish311@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] Problem About Simcontinue and GetInstr Function
I'm now doing some research on GEMS and modify some codes in opal part. When I run my modified version gems, I got some following error information:
 Exception error message: Non-existent global register
pstate_t::simcontinue: caught exception (#6).
getInstr: Exception error message: Non-existent global register
I found the first two error message are from void pstate_t::simcontinue( uint32 numsteps, uint32 proc) function and the third is from bool pseq_t::getInstr() function.
I want to know what do these three error messages mean or in which cases these errors may occur.
My Gems version is 2.1 and Simics 3.0.

Thanks a lot.
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