[Gems-users] L2 Miss Profiling

Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 10:52:38 -0500 (CDT)
From: Nilay Vaish <nilay@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] L2 Miss Profiling

I am using GEMS for studying effect of L2 cache parameters on performance of CMPs. Right now I am using the protocol MESI_CMP_filter_directory. The L2 misses obtained as output is suspiciously close to the sum of L1D and L1I cache misses. I am quoting the misses obtained for a 16 processor machine.

L1D_cache cache stats:
  L1D_cache_total_misses: 1334256
  L1D_cache_total_demand_misses: 1334256

L1I_cache cache stats:
  L1I_cache_total_misses: 2010
  L1I_cache_total_demand_misses: 2010

L2_cache cache stats:
  L2_cache_total_misses: 1336262
  L2_cache_total_demand_misses: 1336262

Has anyone used GEMS for profiling L2 misses? What might be going on wrong here?


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