Re: [Gems-users] how does L1 cache with block state "S" handle Fwd_GetS from L2 cache

Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2009 12:07:52 -0400
From: Greg Byrd <gbyrd@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] how does L1 cache with block state "S" handle Fwd_GetS from L2 cache
I don't think the last paragraph is strictly true.  In SLICC, when you
declare an in_port or out_port, you must declare a message type
(such as DataMsg, AddressMsg, etc.).  So a particular MessageBuffer
only carries one type of message.  And there's no way to connect
multiple MessageBuffers to a virtual network, so the same
restriction applies to virtual networks, also.
(This does seem a little odd, since a virtual network just
represents a communication channel, and shouldn't care about
the message format. But I'm pretty sure this is accurate. Someone will surely correct me, if I'm wrong.)

Of course, you can create a generic type that carries lots of
different messages with different kinds of information. But at the data type level, they must all have the same message type.


Niket Agarwal wrote:
Yes, there is no way to connect different MessageBuffers to different links, even now, in the default GEMS.

I think the point being made is that the same virtual network can be used for different kind of messages. In this case the L1->L1 and L2-> L1 responses use the same virtual network. Virtual networks are only used avoid protocol-level deadlocks and otherwise have no restriction on what messages go in which virtual network.


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