Re: [Gems-users] how does L1 cache with block state "S" handle Fwd_GetS from L2 cache

Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2009 08:20:54 -0500
From: Mike Marty <mike.marty@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] how does L1 cache with block state "S" handle Fwd_GetS from L2 cache
2009/10/11 shanshuchang <shanshuchang@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Thanks for the reply.
> You mean that different L1s can communicate with each other directly through
> MessageBuffers as long as they have the same virtual network number?

There must be connectivity in the network configuration as well.
There would only be a lack of connectivity if you used FILE_SPECIFIED
network and forgot to connect an L1 controller (or had a partition in
the topology).

The MessageBuffers all connect to the same network link.  As far as
I'm currently aware (and I haven't used GEMS in nearly 2 years), there
is no way to associate different MessageBuffers with different links

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