[Gems-users] x86 simics stall mode

Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 23:38:01 -0400
From: niranjan soundararajan <niranjan83@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] x86 simics stall mode

I am using GEMS 2.1 with simics 3.0.31. When I use the -stall mode to run, I get the following error.

failed assertion 'mem_trans->s.may_stall' at fn MemoryTransactionResult SimicsProcessor::makeRequest(memory_transaction_t*) in simics/SimicsProcessor.C:326

There was an earlier post related to this : https://lists.cs.wisc.edu/archive/gems-users/2008-February/msg00041.shtml

While I tried to remove the
'instruction-fetch-mode instruction-fetch-trace' option, it didn't work. I have not tried the other option but wanted to check if someone had tried it before and if so wanted to check if it worked.

Any other way to run x86 workloads with GEMS, let me know.

Thank you,
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