[Gems-users] Regarding the gems error: Invalid transaction

Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 16:45:12 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Joshi,Madhura R" <mjoshi@xxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] Regarding the gems error: Invalid transaction

I am trying to run some simulations on garnet. I am getting the following error related to cache. I am not ableto understand the meaning of it .I am only altering the network files and messages. The error message is related to cache.Can anyone please give pointer on following message?

Warning: in fn TransitionResult L2Cache_Controller::doTransitionWorker(L2Cache_Event, L2Cache_State, L2Cache_State&, const Address&) in generated/MOESI_CMP_directory/L2Cache_Transitions.C:2065: m_id is 3 Warning: in fn TransitionResult L2Cache_Controller::doTransitionWorker(L2Cache_Event, L2Cache_State, L2Cache_State&, const Address&) in generated/MOESI_CMP_directory/L2Cache_Transitions.C:2066: m_version is 0 Warning: in fn TransitionResult L2Cache_Controller::doTransitionWorker(L2Cache_Event, L2Cache_State, L2Cache_State&, const Address&) in generated/MOESI_CMP_directory/L2Cache_Transitions.C:2067: g_eventQueue_ptr->getTime() is 27 Warning: in fn TransitionResult L2Cache_Controller::doTransitionWorker(L2Cache_Event, L2Cache_State, L2Cache_State&, const Address&) in generated/MOESI_CMP_directory/L2Cache_Transitions.C:2068: addr is [0x2c49ac0, line 0x2c49ac0] Warning: in fn TransitionResult L2Cache_Controller::doTransitionWorker(L2Cache_Event, L2Cache_State, L2Cache_State&, const Address&) in generated/MOESI_CMP_directory/L2Cache_Transitions.C:2069: event is Fwd_GETS Warning: in fn TransitionResult L2Cache_Controller::doTransitionWorker(L2Cache_Event, L2Cache_State, L2Cache_State&, const Address&) in generated/MOESI_CMP_directory/L2Cache_Transitions.C:2070: state is IGS Fatal Error: in fn TransitionResult L2Cache_Controller::doTransitionWorker(L2Cache_Event, L2Cache_State, L2Cache_State&, const Address&) in generated/MOESI_CMP_directory/L2Cache_Transitions.C:2071: Invalid transition
Abort (SIGABRT) in main thread
The simulation state has been corrupted. Simulation cannot continue.
Please restart Simics.

M. Joshi

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  • [Gems-users] Regarding the gems error: Invalid transaction, Joshi,Madhura R <=