Re: [Gems-users] SLICC: explanation for deallocating certain blocks

Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 10:42:00 -0500 (CDT)
From: Luke Yen <lyen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] SLICC: explanation for deallocating certain blocks

Yes, it looks like it is safe to remove the ff_deallocateL1CacheBlock actions. At some point in the state transition setState() gets called and it calls changePermission() in CacheMemory.h to change the state to Invalid.


On Wed, 22 Oct 2008, Fuad Tabba wrote:


Looking at the SLICC coherence protocol file (the one used for LogTM-SE and ATMTP) ,
I notice that   transition(IS_S, Nack_all, I) transition(IS_E, Nack_all, I)
transition(IM_M, Nack_all, I): all of these perform a
ff_deallocateL1CacheBlock . What's the reasoning behind deallocating the
cache block there? Does it matter if the cacheblock doesn't get deallocated,
I mean its state will still be I after all, and it's not really not present,
it's just invalid...



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