[Gems-users] 0 L2 misses (MESI_SCMP_directory)

Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 15:43:01 +0800
From: "wangzuo" <qiushui@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] 0 L2 misses (MESI_SCMP_directory)

	   I have run apache benmark using MESI_SCMP_directory protocol, and get such dump status information:

================ Begin System Configuration Print ================


================ End System Configuration Print ================

Real time: Jan/17/2008 10:32:01

Profiler Stats
Elapsed_time_in_seconds: 25
Elapsed_time_in_minutes: 0.416667
Elapsed_time_in_hours: 0.00694444
Elapsed_time_in_days: 0.000289352

Virtual_time_in_seconds: 12.25
Virtual_time_in_minutes: 0.204167
Virtual_time_in_hours:   0.00340278
Virtual_time_in_days:    0.00340278

Ruby_current_time: 193530
Ruby_start_time: 1
Ruby_cycles: 193529

mbytes_resident: 348.613
mbytes_total: 348.633
resident_ratio: 1

Total_misses: 0
total_misses: 0 [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
user_misses: 0 [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
supervisor_misses: 0 [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]

instruction_executed: 2598495 [ 242009 13500 441166 738084 20083 9062 396331 738260 ]
simics_cycles_executed: 6198160 [ 774119 774119 774332 775118 775118 775118 775118 775118 ]
cycles_per_instruction: 0.595819 [ 0.799677 14.3355 0.438676 0.262205 9.63646 21.3561 0.488301 0.262142 ]
misses_per_thousand_instructions: 0 [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]

transactions_started: 0 [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
transactions_ended: 0 [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
instructions_per_transaction: 0 [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
cycles_per_transaction: 0 [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
misses_per_transaction: 0 [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]

L1D_cache cache stats: 
  L1D_cache_total_misses: 8566
  L1D_cache_total_demand_misses: 8566
  L1D_cache_total_prefetches: 0
  L1D_cache_total_sw_prefetches: 0
  L1D_cache_total_hw_prefetches: 0
  L1D_cache_misses_per_transaction: 8566
  L1D_cache_misses_per_instruction: 0.00329653
  L1D_cache_instructions_per_misses: 303.349

  L1D_cache_request_type_LD:   68.3633%
  L1D_cache_request_type_ST:   6.12888%
  L1D_cache_request_type_ATOMIC:   25.5078%

  L1D_cache_access_mode_type_SupervisorMode:   8039    93.8478%
  L1D_cache_access_mode_type_UserMode:   527    6.15223%
  L1D_cache_request_size: [binsize: log2 max: 64 count: 8566 average: 4.45646 | standard deviation: 2.99039 | 0 68 2869 3278 2343 0 0 8 ]

L1I_cache cache stats: 
  L1I_cache_total_misses: 2074
  L1I_cache_total_demand_misses: 2074
  L1I_cache_total_prefetches: 0
  L1I_cache_total_sw_prefetches: 0
  L1I_cache_total_hw_prefetches: 0
  L1I_cache_misses_per_transaction: 2074
  L1I_cache_misses_per_instruction: 0.000798156
  L1I_cache_instructions_per_misses: 1252.89

  L1I_cache_request_type_IFETCH:   100%

  L1I_cache_access_mode_type_SupervisorMode:   1012    48.7946%
  L1I_cache_access_mode_type_UserMode:   1062    51.2054%
  L1I_cache_request_size: [binsize: log2 max: 4 count: 2074 average:     4 | standard deviation: 0 | 0 0 0 2074 ]

L2_cache cache stats: 
  L2_cache_total_misses: 0
  L2_cache_total_demand_misses: 0
  L2_cache_total_prefetches: 0
  L2_cache_total_sw_prefetches: 0
  L2_cache_total_hw_prefetches: 0
  L2_cache_misses_per_transaction: 0
  L2_cache_misses_per_instruction: 0
  L2_cache_instructions_per_misses: NaN

  L2_cache_request_size: [binsize: log2 max: 0 count: 0 average: NaN |standard deviation: NaN | 0 ]

		The L2 misses information is zero? what is wrong?

		I use tester.exec to trace how two simple instructions (load 0x400 by processor 4 and load 0x400 by processor1) excute under :

Testing clear stats...Done.
Reading trace from file 'little.trace'...
      1   4  -1        Seq               Begin       >       [0x400, line 0x400] LD
      4   0   4    L1Cache                Load     NP>IS     [0x400, line 0x400] 
    136   0   0    L2Cache             L1_GETS     NP>ISS    [0x400, line 0x400] [NetDest (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  - 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0  - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  - ]
    261   0   0  Directory               Fetch      I>I      [0x400, line 0x400] 
    503   0   0    L2Cache            Mem_Data    ISS>MT_MB  [0x400, line 0x400] 
    737   4  -1        Seq                Done       >       [0x400, line 0x400] 736 cycles NULL LD Yes
    737   0   4    L1Cache      Data_Exclusive     IS>E      [0x400, line 0x400] 
    763   0   0    L2Cache   Exclusive_Unblock  MT_MB>MT     [0x400, line 0x400] 
    801   1  -1        Seq               Begin       >       [0x300, line 0x300] LD
    803   0   1    L1Cache                Load     NP>IS     [0x300, line 0x300] 
    917   0   0    L2Cache             L1_GETS     NP>ISS    [0x300, line 0x300] [NetDest (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  - 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0  - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  - ]
   1042   0   4  Directory               Fetch      I>I      [0x300, line 0x300] 
   1381   0   0    L2Cache            Mem_Data    ISS>MT_MB  [0x300, line 0x300] 
   1496   1  -1        Seq                Done       >       [0x322, line 0x300] 695 cycles NULL LD Yes
   1496   0   1    L1Cache      Data_Exclusive     IS>E      [0x300, line 0x300] 
   1504   0   0    L2Cache   Exclusive_Unblock  MT_MB>MT     [0x300, line 0x300]

		I find somethings are not normal.L2 seems do not carry  L1_GETS action but send it to others "[NetDest (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  - 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0  - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  - ]". Can anyone tell me why? The following is what I get from the MOESI_CMP_directoy protocal by excuting the same two instructions.
136   0   0    L2Cache             L1_GETS     NP>IGS    [0x400, line 0x400] 
261   0   0  Directory                GETS      I>IS     [0x400, line 0x400] 



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