Re: [Gems-users] Having trouble getting LogTM running

Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 09:21:12 -0800
From: "Jim Leek" <jrleek@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Having trouble getting LogTM running

Interesting that you way that.  I have 2GB of RAM on this machine I'm simulating on, but top only shows at most 20% of RAM being used.  It seems I could easily fit in another one.  Of course, this also makes me suspicious that nothing is actually going on.
It could be that at some point the naked scripts issue limit-memory commands to Simics. That does a pretty good job of keeping the RAM footprint down at the cost of performance.

Ok, I guess I'll try it without the script, installing Solaris Express.

Actually this is normal. Simics' simulated CPU boards only sport 8 GB of ram each, so you need more boards if you want more RAM, hence you also need more CPUs.

Huh, that's another good fact.  On the other hand, I only asked for 512MB of RAM this time, so it's still odd.


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