Re: [Gems-users] Having trouble getting LogTM running

Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 08:13:40 -0800
From: "Jim Leek" <jrleek@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Having trouble getting LogTM running

So, taking your advice, I restarted the install with the following parameters: ./ 1 512

That is, 1 CPU and 512 Megs of Ram.  I also turned the CPU frequency down to 10Mhz.  It seems to be stalling in the same place as last time.

That said, I advise you not to run two instances at the same time. The
limiting factor in the OS install is memory, and unless you have a large
main memory on your host, you'll probably slow things down considerably
if you run two instances.

Interesting that you way that.  I have 2GB of RAM on this machine I'm simulating on, but top only shows at most 20% of RAM being used.  It seems I could easily fit in another one.  Of course, this also makes me suspicious that nothing is actually going on. 
Lastly, I haven't installed Solaris 10 before, but the install process
for Solaris Express is supposedly similar and the only progress bars I
recall come from the individual package installs, after machine
identification. Judging by your output (in the previous message) the
installer hasn't yet reached machine ID.

When you say "Solaris Express" you mean "Solaris Express Developer's Edition", correct?  I've downloaded a copy of that, and was thinking of simulating an install of that on another machine.  However, that machine only has 1/2 GB of RAM, so, if RAM is usually the constraining factor, maybe that's not a great idea.

The install does seem to have made it past machine identification if I look at the log.  I've attached the log to a follow up message so people can comment.  (It's just over 40K, so it needs to be approved by the moderator)

(Another interesting thing in the log, even though I said 1 processor, I get these lines:

cpu0: UltraSPARC-III+ (portid 0 impl 0x15 ver 0x55 clock 10 MHz)
cpu36: UltraSPARC-III+ (portid 36 impl 0x15 ver 0x55 clock 10 MHz)

That doesn't seem normal.)


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