Re: [Gems-users] Ruby: Failed Assertion while running

Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 08:36:24 -0600
From: Dan Gibson <degibson@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Ruby: Failed Assertion while running
There is a good chance that if you've simply made modifications to fix compilation problems that Ruby is trying to stall an instruction fetch. As I recall, Simics doesn't allow instruction fetch to stall on x86 targets -- you should modify SimicsDriver's makeRequest to return prematurely with a stall time of zero for all instruction fetches, which will have the flag mem_trans->s.may_stall cleared.  Alternatively, don't issue 'instruction-fetch-mode instruction-fetch-trace' to Simics.


divya ramakrishnan wrote:

I am using GEMS 2.0 with Simics 3.0.30. I made a few changes to the Ruby files to make it compile for a x86 target machine. Ruby compiled and loaded successfully in Simics. But while I start the simulation, I get the following error.

simics> c
failed assertion 'mem_trans->s.may_stall' at fn MemoryTransactionResult SimicsProcessor::makeRequest(memory_transaction_t*) in simics/SimicsProcessor.C:326
failed assertion 'mem_trans->s.may_stall' at fn MemoryTransactionResult SimicsProcessor::makeRequest(memory_transaction_t*) in simics/SimicsProcessor.C:326
At this point you might want to attach a debug to the running and get to the
crash site; otherwise press enter to continue

Is this a problem that is related to the SPARC to x86 conversion or some problem with the configuration?

Thank you,

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