I’ve used MOESI_CMP_directory for a while in my CMP simics
target with a banked, shared L2 cache.
And I would like to clarify the use of L2_REQUEST/RESPONSE_LATENCY
in order to properly set up the L2 latency.
I understood and used them as follows:
. L2_REQUEST_LATENCY is the average transit time for the
request to get to the proper L2 bank from the CPU/L1
. L2_RESPOSNE_LATENCY is the average transit time for the (data)
response to arrive at the CPU (L1 cache) from the proper L2 bank (&
If my understanding was wrong, please correct me and provide
me with definitions/usage of L2_REQUEST_LATENCY and L2_RESPONSE_LATENCY.
soohong p kim