[Gems-users] Miss Latencies

Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 13:05:13 +0200
From: Marco Solinas <marco.solinas@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] Miss Latencies
Hi list,

I'm a little confused by the miss latency values in the ruby stats file.

There are more values for miss latency, each labeled with different names: miss_latency, miss_latency_LD, miss_latency_ST, miss_latency_IFETCH, miss_latency_ATOMIC, miss_latency_L1Cache, miss_latency_L2Cache, miss_latency_Directory, miss_latency_L1Cache_wCC, miss_latency_L2Cache_wCC, miss_latency_L2Miss. I can't understand the meaning of the most part of them (for example, that are L1Cache_wCC and L2Cache_wCC?, what's the difference between L1Cache and L1Cache_wCC, or between L2Cache and L2Cache_wCC? what does miss_latency_Directory represent? and L2Miss?).

Can anyone please help me?

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