[Gems-users] Opal and SMT policies

Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2008 19:18:20 +0300
From: Konstantinos Nikas <knikas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] Opal and SMT policies
Hi all,

I would like to find out which SMT fetch policies are implemented in Opal. A quick look at Opal's system code revealed some comments mentioning ICOUNT. However looking at config.defaults couldn't find where/how to define the policy.
So, am I right to assume that Opal implements the ICOUNT fetch policy? 
If it does, where/how can define it in the configuration? Or is it the 
only policy implemented, which means that it is used by default? 
Finally, if ICOUNT is not the only implemented policy, which other 
policies are available?

Kind regards,

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