[Gems-users] does gems1.4 have a sparc_to_x86 patch

Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 14:18:06 -0400
From: xiaox@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Gems-users] does gems1.4 have a sparc_to_x86 patch

I what to use Ruby to simulate an x86 target on Simics3.0. Since gems1.2 cannot 
cope with simics3, I used gems1.4. My problem is that I cannot get the 
sparc_to_x86 path (the one posted on the gems website) working under gems1.4. 
Is there an updated sparc_to_x86 patch to allow gems work under simics3.0 x86 

thank you.

Xiang Xiao
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