Re: [Gems-users] XACT consistency checker problem

Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 15:22:52 -0600
From: Jayaram Bobba <bobba@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] XACT consistency checker problem
This error means that an escape action (most probably in microbenchmarks/transactional/common/transaction.c) is accessing a cache block that is simultaneously accessed by a transaction. We do not handle this case correctly in the implementation. Hence, we output a checker failure. This later on leads to incorrect conflict detection
that causes the assert failure.
Can you disassemble the address 0x12b70 and find out which function it corresponds to? You would then have to pad the data that is being accessed by the function (in an escape action)
so that it is placed in a separate cache line.


Ricardo Quislant del Barrio wrote:
Hi, i have collected the following error when simulating a Minimun Spanning Tree solver:

2 XACT CONSISTENCY CHECKER: FAILED 0x[0x3c023d80, line 0x3c023d80] ACCESS TYPE: LD IN WRITE SET OF 10 2 XACT CONSISTENCY CHECK FAILURE DUE TO OVERLAP BETWEEN ESCAPE ACTIONS AND TRANSACTIONS Address: [0x3c023d80, line 0x3c023d80] PC: [0x12b70, line 0x12b40] 2 XACT CONSISTENCY CHECKER: FAILED 0x[0x3c023d80, line 0x3c023d80] ACCESS TYPE: LD_XACT IN WRITE SET OF 10 simics-common: log_tm/TransactionSimicsProcessor.C:399: void TransactionSimicsProcessor::xactIsolationCheck(memory_transaction_t*, CacheRequestType): Assertion `false' failed.
Abort (SIGABRT) in main thread
The simulation state has been corrupted. Simulation cannot continue.
Please restart Simics.
[0] Makegraph. Transaccion Command aborted
Starting command line. (May have skipped commands in script files.)
fork failed: Cannot allocate memory
Unable to start readhist; only limited command line editing available
[cpu2] v:0x0000000000011d7c p:0x0003ed11d7c  lduw [%l3 + 428], %o4
Setting new inspection cpu: cpu2
simics> Traceback (most recent call last):
File "../../../gen-scripts/", line 308, in console_branch_internal
    wait_for_string(get_console(), __prompt)
File "/opt/virtutech/simics-3.0.29/x86-linux/lib/python/", line 10, in wait_for_string
    wait_for_obj_hap("Xterm_Break_String", obj, break_id)
File "/opt/virtutech/simics-3.0.29/x86-linux/lib/python/", line 3374, in wait_for_obj_hap
    return wait_for_hap_common([hap_name, name, idx0])
File "/opt/virtutech/simics-3.0.29/x86-linux/lib/python/", line 3352, in wait_for_hap_common
    raise SimExc_Break, "Script branch interrupted"
sim_core.SimExc_Break: Script branch interrupted
Exception in python branch

The code i have simulated is the next:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <time.h>
/**********#include "txlocks.h"**********/
#include "transaction.h"

#define CONST_m1 10000
#define CONST_b 31415821
#define RANGE 2048

/* Edge data structure of the input graph */
typedef struct edge_st {
  unsigned int vert;
  int dist;
  struct edge_st *next;
} *Edge;

/* Vertex data structure of the input graph */
typedef struct vert_st {
  int vid;
  int mindist;
  int minvid;
  Edge edg;
  struct vert_st *next;
} *Vertex;

/* Auxiliary vertex data structure */
typedef struct vertex_pos {
  Vertex vertexptr;
  int vertexidx;
} VertexPos;

int vid_cnt = 0;
/* Input graph: Complete weighted undirected graph */
Vertex *graph;
int gsize = 0; /* number of vertices */

Vertex mst_vertex = NULL;
Vertex mst_vertexR = NULL;
int insertion_cnt;
/* Output MST */
Vertex *mst;

/* Number of threads */
int num_threads;

/* Other shared variables */
VertexPos vertpos_g;
int first_reduc;
extern volatile int sense; /*Definida en ../common/transcation.c*/

/* pThreads variables */
pthread_attr_t pthread_custom_attr;
/*pthread_barrier_t barr;*/

static int mult(int p, int q)
  int p1, p0, q1, q0;

  p1 = p/CONST_m1;
  p0 = p%CONST_m1;
  q1 = q/CONST_m1;
  q0 = q%CONST_m1;
  return (((p0*q1+p1*q0)%CONST_m1)*CONST_m1+p0*q0);

static int d_rand(int seed)
  int tmp;
  tmp = (mult(seed,CONST_b)+1);
  return tmp;

static int compute_dist(int i, int j, int numvert)
  int less, gt;
  if (i < j)
    less = i;
    gt = j;
    less = j;
    gt = i;
  return (d_rand(less*numvert+gt)%RANGE)+1;

/* Insert an edge in the edge list of the graph */
void EdgeInsert(Vertex vorg,Edge edg)
  Edge tmp, tmpp;

  tmpp = tmp = vorg->edg;
  if (tmp != NULL)
    tmp = tmp->next;
    while (tmp != NULL)
      tmpp = tmpp->next;
      tmp = tmp->next;
    tmpp->next = edg;
  else vorg->edg = edg;

/* Insert a vertex in the vertex list of the graph */
void VertexInsert(Vertex ver)
  Vertex tmp,tmpp;

  if (*graph == NULL) *graph = ver;
    tmpp = *graph;
    tmp = tmpp->next;
    while (tmp != NULL)
      tmpp = tmpp->next;
      tmp = tmp->next;
    tmpp->next = ver;

/* Get a vertex from the vertex list */
VertexPos VertexGet()
  VertexPos vp;

  if (vertpos_g.vertexptr != NULL)
    if (vertpos_g.vertexptr == (Vertex) -1)
      vertpos_g.vertexptr = *graph;
      vertpos_g.vertexidx = 0;
      vertpos_g.vertexptr = vertpos_g.vertexptr->next;
  vp.vertexptr = vertpos_g.vertexptr;
  vp.vertexidx = vertpos_g.vertexidx;
  return vp;

/* Vertex block partitioning of the graph */
void GraphPartition(int myid,int tsize)
  Vertex tmp, tmpp;
  int count, local_sense = sense;

/*printf("[%d] GraphPartition phase 1: Vertex block partitioning\n",myid);*/
  tmpp = tmp = *graph;
  count = myid * tsize;
  if (count)
    tmp = tmp->next;
  while (count-- > 0)
    tmp = tmp->next;
    tmpp = tmpp->next;
  *(graph+myid) = tmp;
  /* printf("[%d] *(graph+%d) 0x%x\n",myid,myid,*(graph+myid)); */

  /* Threads waiting until graph partitioned */
    Barrier_non_breaking(&local_sense, myid, num_threads);
/* printf("[%d] GraphPartition phase 2: Isolating subgraphs\n",myid); */
  if (tmpp != tmp) tmpp->next = NULL;
  /*printf("[%d] GraphPartition done.\n",myid);*/

/* Making the input graph in parallel (vertex parallelism) */
void MakeGraph(int myid,int tsize)
  Vertex ver, tmp;
  VertexPos vp;
  Edge edg;
  int dist;
  int i, local_sense=sense;

/*printf("[%d] MakeGraph phase 1: Vertices (%d verts per thread)\n",myid,tsize);*/
  /* Creating in parallel the vertex list */
  for (i=0; i<tsize; i++)
    ver = (Vertex) malloc(sizeof(*ver));
    ver->mindist = 9999999;
    ver->minvid = 0;
    ver->edg = NULL;
    ver->next = NULL;
    ver->vid = vid_cnt++;

  /* Threads waiting until all vertices built */
    Barrier_non_breaking(&local_sense, myid, num_threads);
    tmp = *graph;
    while(tmp!=NULL){ tmp = tmp->next; i++;}
        printf("[%d] Mis %d vertices creados.Total:%d\n", myid, tsize,i);

  /* printf("[%d] MakeGraph phase 2: Edges\n",myid); */
  /* Creating the edge list in parallel for each vertex */
  vp = VertexGet();
  while (vp.vertexptr != NULL)
    for (ver=*graph,i=0; ver!=NULL; ver=ver->next,i++)
      if (i != vp.vertexidx)
        dist = compute_dist(i,vp.vertexidx,num_threads*tsize);
        edg = (Edge) malloc(sizeof(*edg));
        edg->vert = (unsigned int) ver;
        edg->dist = dist;
        edg->next = NULL;
/*printf("[%d] Edge orig 0x%x dest 0x%x dist %d\n",myid,vp.vertexptr,ver,dist);*/
    printf("[%d] Makegraph. Transaccion inicio\n",myid);
    vp = VertexGet();
    printf("[%d] Makegraph. Transaccion final\n",myid);

  /* printf("[%d] MakeGraph done\n",myid); */

/* Obtaining weight of the edge between two vertices */
int distance(Vertex ver, Vertex vref)
  Edge edge;
  Vertex v;
  int done = 0;

  edge = ver->edg;
  while (!done)
    if (edge == NULL) done = 2;
    else if (vref == (Vertex) edge->vert) done = 1;
    else edge = edge->next;
  if (done == 2) return 0;
  else return edge->dist;

/* Obtaining the nearest vertex in a subgraph */
Vertex mstVertexExtract(int myid, Vertex ver, Vertex vref)
  Vertex retval;
  Vertex tmp, prev;
  int dist,dist2;
/* printf("[%d] ver 0x%x vref 0x%x\n",myid,ver,vref); */
  /* If the subgraph is null return an invalid vertex */
  if (!ver)
    retval = (Vertex) malloc (sizeof(*retval));
    retval->mindist = 999999;
    retval->minvid = 0;
    return retval;

  /* Select the first vertex in the subgraph as the default nearest one */
  retval = ver;
  dist = distance(ver,vref);
  if (dist)
    if (dist < retval->mindist)
      retval->mindist = dist;
      retval->minvid = vref->vid;
  else printf("[%d] FAIL: Vertex not found\n",myid);

/* Check the rest of the vertices in the subgraph and select the nearest one */
  prev = ver;
  for (tmp=ver->next; tmp; prev=tmp,tmp=tmp->next)
    if (tmp == vref)
      Vertex next;

      next = tmp->next;
      prev->next = next;
       dist2 = tmp->mindist;
       dist = distance(tmp,vref);
/* printf("[%d] Found dist %d from inserted 0x%x to vertex 0x%x (tmp)\n",dist,inserted,tmp); */
       if (dist)
         if (dist < dist2)
           tmp->mindist = dist;
           tmp->minvid = vref->vid;
           dist2 = dist;
       else printf("[%d] FAIL: Vertex not found\n",myid);
       if (dist2 < retval->mindist) retval = tmp;

/* printf("[%d] mstVE: ver 0x%x vref 0x%x retval 0x%x retval->mindist %d\n",myid,ver,vref,retval,retval->mindist); */
  return retval;

/* Insert a new node in the MST */
void mstInsert(Vertex ver, Vertex *mstv)
  Vertex tmp, tmpp, tmppp;


  tmppp = NULL;
  tmpp = *mst;
  tmp = tmpp->next;
  while (tmp != NULL)
    if (tmppp == NULL) tmppp = *mst;
    else tmppp = tmppp->next;
    tmpp = tmpp->next;
    tmp = tmp->next;

  if (insertion_cnt == 1)
    /* The first thread append the new locally nearest node */
    tmpp->next = (Vertex) malloc(sizeof(*tmpp));
    tmp = tmpp->next;
    tmp->vid = ver->vid;
    tmp->mindist = ver->mindist;
    tmp->minvid = ver->minvid;
    tmp->next = NULL;
    *mstv = ver;
/* The rest of threads compare their node with the appended one and replaced it if nearer */
    if (ver->mindist < tmpp->mindist)
      tmppp->next = (Vertex) malloc(sizeof(*tmpp));
      tmp = tmppp->next;
      tmp->vid = ver->vid;
      tmp->mindist = ver->mindist;
      tmp->minvid = ver->minvid;
      tmp->next = NULL;
      *mstv = ver;
  if (insertion_cnt == num_threads) insertion_cnt = 0;

/* Computes an MST from the input graph using a greedy approach */
void ComputeMst(int myid, int tsize)
  Vertex ver, trv;
  int i/*, sense, sense_r*/, local_sense=sense, senseRev;

/* printf("[%d] Compute MST phase 1: Inserting first (arbitrary) vertex of MST\n",myid); */
  /* Select an arbitrary vertex as the root of the MST */
  insertion_cnt = 0;
  gsize = tsize*num_threads;
  ver = *(graph+myid);
  if (myid == 0)
    *mst = (Vertex) malloc(sizeof(*ver));
    (*mst)->vid = ver->vid;
    (*mst)->mindist = 0;
    (*mst)->minvid = 0;
    (*mst)->next = NULL;
    mst_vertex = ver;
    /* printf("[%d] ver 0x%x mindist %d\n",myid,ver,(*mst)->mindist); */
    ver = ver->next;
/*printf("[%d] ver 0x%x mst_vertex 0x%x 0x%x\n",myid,ver,mst_vertex,mst_vertexR);*/

  /* Threads start together computing a MST */
    Barrier_non_breaking(&local_sense, myid, num_threads);

  /* printf("[%d] Compute MST phase 2\n",myid); */
  /* Find next vertex in the MST using a one-by-one approach (greedy) */
  /* Use a sense reversal technique to avoid two barrier fences */
  for (i=0, senseRev=1; i<gsize-1; i++)
    if (senseRev)
      if (mst_vertex == ver) ver = ver->next;
      trv = mstVertexExtract(myid,ver,mst_vertex);
      if (mst_vertexR == ver) ver = ver->next;
      trv = mstVertexExtract(myid,ver,mst_vertexR);
    /* printf("[%d] i %d trv 0x%x\n",myid,i,trv); */
    if (senseRev) mstInsert(trv, &mst_vertexR);
    else mstInsert(trv, &mst_vertex);
        Barrier_non_breaking(&local_sense, myid, num_threads);
    senseRev = !senseRev;

/* Main parallel routine */
void *Graph_MST(void *tid)
  int myid;
  int tsize;
    int local_sense = sense;
  /*time_t stime1, etime1;
  time_t stime2, etime2;
  time_t stime3, etime3;*/

  myid = *((int*) tid);
  Barrier_breaking(&local_sense, myid, num_threads);

  tsize = gsize/num_threads;

  /* Computing input graph */
  printf("[%d] Making graph of size %d\n",myid,gsize);
  /*stime1 = time(NULL);*/
    /*etime1 = time(NULL);*/
  printf("[%d] Graph created.\n", myid);

  /* Partitioning input graph */
  /* printf("[%d] Partition graph across threads\n",myid); */
  /*stime2 = time(NULL);*/
  /*etime2 = time(NULL);*/
/*printf("[%d] Graph partitioned. Time: %f s.\n", myid, difftime(etime2, stime2));*/

    /* Put magic call here to simulate the MST computing only */
    /*  NEW_RUBY_MAGIC_CALL(3) */
  /* Computing a MST of the input graph */
  /* printf("[%d] Computing MST of graph\n",myid); */
  /*stime3 = time(NULL);*/
  /*etime3 = time(NULL);*/
/*printf("[%d] MST computed. Time: %f s.\n", myid, difftime(etime3, stime3));*/ /* printf("[%d] Times: %lld %lld %lld\n",myid,etime1-stime1,etime2-stime2,etime3-stime3); */

    Barrier_breaking(&local_sense, myid, num_threads);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  Vertex ver;
  /* Thread parameters */
  pthread_t *threads;
  int *ids;
  int i, mst_weight;
  /*time_t stime, etime;*/
/* Command line arguments processing */
  if (argc > 2) num_threads = atoi(argv[2]);
  else num_threads = 1;
  if (argc > 1) gsize = atoi(argv[1]);
  else gsize = 1024;

printf("[%d] Computing a MST of a graph using the Prim-Dijkstra algorithm\n",-1);

  /* Thread initializations */
  threads = (pthread_t *) malloc(num_threads*sizeof(*threads));
  ids = (int *) calloc(num_threads, sizeof(int));
  pthread_attr_setscope(&pthread_custom_attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM);

  /* Graph initializations */
  graph = (Vertex *) malloc(num_threads*sizeof(*graph));
  for (i=0; i<num_threads; i++) *(graph+i) = NULL;
  mst = (Vertex *) malloc(sizeof(*mst));
  *mst = NULL;
  vertpos_g.vertexptr = (Vertex) -1;
  vertpos_g.vertexidx = -1;
  mst_vertex = (Vertex) malloc(sizeof(*mst_vertex));

  /* Creating threads */
    /*stime = time(NULL);*/
  for (i=0; i<num_threads-1; i++)
    ids[i] = i;
pthread_create(&threads[i], &pthread_custom_attr, Graph_MST, (void *)(ids+i));
  ids[i] = i;

  for (i=0; i<num_threads-1; i++)
    pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
  /*etime = time(NULL);*/

  ver = *mst;
  mst_weight = ver->mindist;
  ver = ver->next;
  while (ver != NULL)
    mst_weight += ver->mindist;
/* printf("[%d] MST: Org %d Dst %d (weg %d)\n",-1,ver->vid,ver->minvid,ver->mindist); */
    ver = ver->next;
  printf("[%d] MST done with weight %d \n",-1,mst_weight);

Could anybody tell me what is going wrong?

Sorry for the long message.

Regards and thanks in advance, Ricardo Quislant.

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