Re: [Gems-users] : How to set up the network file for MESI_SCMP_tiledL2bank_directory protocol

Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2007 21:46:55 -0500
From: Calvin <calvincv@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] : How to set up the network file for MESI_SCMP_tiledL2bank_directory protocol

By the way, I was a little confused by the name of
MESI_SCMP_tiledL2bank_directory. I thought it implements the MESI
protocol (based on the name). But the generated HTML files says it's
"MSI Directory L1 Cache" and "MOSI Directory L2 Cache"?


On 3/8/07, Mike Marty <mikem@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
MOESI_CMP_directory is indeed the most robust of the protocols, but also
quite complex.

I'll see about fixing up MESI_SCMP_tiledL2bank_directory.  Looks like I
may have released this a bit premature.

In a tiled CMP, MOESI_CMP_directory will always replace L1 data back to
the home L2 bank even if the home doesn't map to the "private" L2 bank.
This is fine if you either a) want to limit replication, or b) are
simulating a dancehall layout where the processors are one side of the CMP
with L2 banks on the other side.

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