Re: [Gems-users] : How to set up the network file for MESI_SCMP_tiledL2bank_directory protocol

Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2007 16:38:28 -0500
From: Niket Agarwal <niketa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] : How to set up the network file for MESI_SCMP_tiledL2bank_directory protocol
Hi Calvin,
WOW !! I got the same errors yesterday :)

I can suggest 2 things:

1. If you are using the TILED protocol, use the FILE_SPECIFIED topology and the corresponding TILED_*** network file. I am not sure, but the protocol might be assuming something about the network before hand. Again, I am not sure, but I did have the some errors.

2. What I finally got running for my CMP setup was the MOESI_CMP_directory protocol. I chose this because, I do not understand the MESI_SCMP** protocol. I used my own network file with 8 processors on a chip and a particular topology.

One of the stupid mistakes that I found that I was making was that the SIMICS_EXTRA_LIB was not pointing to the correct modules.

You might want to check that also.

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