Re: [Gems-users] How to set up the network file for MESI_SCMP_tiledL2bank_directory protocol

Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2007 14:18:41 -0600 (CST)
From: Mike Marty <mikem@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] How to set up the network file for MESI_SCMP_tiledL2bank_directory protocol

Your network file works fine on my end.  Read my previous message about
the debugging output however.

You might want to connect the Directory controllers (actually memory
controllers for this protocol) to seperate switches so that you can
properly constrain memory bandwidth if you want that.


> Hi all,
> I am using GEMS to simulate a single-chip CMP system. I tried to use
> the MESI_SCMP_tiledL2bank_directory protocol, but I don't quite
> understand how to set up the network file to support different
> configurations (e.g., with 2 cores, 4 cores, etc.).
> GEMS 1.4 release only includes one file:
> TILED_Procs-16_ProcsPerChip-16_L2Banks-16_Memories-16.txt
> I tried to modify it for a simple two-core system:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> processors:2
> procs_per_chip:2
> L2banks:2
> memories:2
> ext_node:L1Cache:0 int_node:0 link_latency:1 bw_multiplier:72
> ext_node:L2Cache:0 int_node:0 link_latency:1 bw_multiplier:72
> ext_node:L1Cache:1 int_node:1 link_latency:1 bw_multiplier:72
> ext_node:L2Cache:1 int_node:1 link_latency:1 bw_multiplier:72
> ext_node:Directory:0 int_node:0 link_latency:1 bw_multiplier:80
> ext_node:Directory:1 int_node:1 link_latency:1 bw_multiplier:80
> int_node:0 int_node:1 link_latency:2 bw_multiplier:64
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> but GEMS got error like the following:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Warning: in fn void MessageBuffer::enqueue(const MsgPtr&, long long
> int) in Gems/Install_MESI_SCMP/ruby/buffers/MessageBuffer.C:259: *this
> is [MessageBuffer:  consumer-yes [PrioHeap: [88380, 13, [RefCnt:
> [L1Msg: Address=[0x762a040, line 0x762a040] RequestType=GETS
> ResponseType=Fatal Error: in fn std::string
> CoherenceResponseType_to_string(const CoherenceResponseType&) in
> Gems/Install_MESI_SCMP/ruby/generated/MESI_SCMP_tiledL2bank_directory/CoherenceResponseType.C:35:
> Invalid range for type CoherenceResponseType
> Fatal Error: in fn std::string CoherenceResponseType_to_string(const
> CoherenceResponseType&) in
> Gems/Install_MESI_SCMP/ruby/generated/MESI_SCMP_tiledL2bank_directory/CoherenceResponseType.C:35:
> Invalid range for type CoherenceResponseType
> ***  Simics getting shaky, switching to 'safe' mode.
> ***  Simics (main thread) received an abort signal, probably an assertion.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Could you help clarify how to set up the network file or provide the
> correct configuration? Is it possible to use other network topology
> like PT_TO_PT?  I couldn't find detailed document on this.
> Also, is there any other protocol available for simulating single-chip
> CMP? It seems the only one available now is
> MESI_SCMP_tiledL2bank_directory.
> Thanks for your help,
> Calvin
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