[Gems-users] triggerQueue

Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2007 22:49:10 -0700
From: Vivek Venkatesan <vvenkate@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] triggerQueue
Hello all,

I am trying to delay a coherence message going across a network link if it matches a given type, say GETS (for MOESI_CMP_directory). I notice that if I do not check for the ordering of the output buffer, in Throttle.C, before adding the delay I get a FIFO order violation. And from what I can understand from the protocol files, only the triggerQueues are ordered.
My question now is what is the purpose of this triggerQueue, what 
messages get queued (just the All_ACKS?) and would violating the FIFO 
order for this queue result in incorrect execution?

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