[Gems-users] SimicsDriver

Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 17:54:28 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Dave Z." <zhu_dave@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] SimicsDriver
Hello All,

As I understand Simics delivers data/instruction
fetches to Ruby and these data/instruction fetches are
recorded by SimicsDriver, right? Could you please
clarify the following?

- Do these requests recorded by SimicsDriver only come
from Simics? Or are there some Ruby requests which
might get recorded by SimicsDriver as well? 

- When sending data from one processor to another
(e_sendData), does it involve SimicsDriver?

- When Ruby models the data allocation and data
movement behaviors such as cache line allocation,
L1_to_L2, L2_replacement, etc., are these requests
sent back to Simics? Or recorded by SimicsDriver?

Thank you. 


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