Re: [Gems-users] ruby error after ruby0.init

Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 11:58:26 -0600
From: Dan Gibson <degibson@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] ruby error after ruby0.init
.craff files can come from one of two places:
1) Simics distributes disk dumps of SPARC/Linux, and you can use these if you want or... 2) Make them yourself, by *installing* Solaris on Simics itself, using the sol10-cd-install-1.simics script and similar scripts in $GEMS/simics/home/sarek. You will need to download Solaris 10 (or 8 or 9) from Sun (which is now freely available). The OS-install process is documented in the simics documentation, found in $GEMS/simics/doc, specifically Chapter 6 of simics-target-guide-seregeti.pdf.


Liping Xue wrote:
I try to run it under sarek directory, but I got the following errors (I use sarek-1p.simics) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

setting attribute files in sd25B_2_0_image:
illegal value: Error opening file sarek2.1-extras.craff: No such file or directory
Error while loading a configuration: Failed to initialize all objects
This has left the configuration system in an inconsistent state.
Restarting Simics is recommended.

Failed to initialize all objects

Failed loading the configuration in Simics. This is probably
due to some misconfiguration, or that some required file is
missing. Please check the above output for error messages

[sarek-common.simics:105] the command did not complete properly; interrupting script [sarek-1p.simics:5] the command did not complete properly; interrupting script --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Where can I find the sarek2.1-extras.craff? I find some related discussion about it in gems maillist, but after reading the discussion,
I still have difficulties to make the disk dumps. Any help?


I think you can download disk dumps for sarek from but they would not

give you the keys to decode them because of licensing issues. So you have two options:

- Make an image of a real disk on which you have installed solaris and boot from

it (you can find help on it in simics user guide)


- Install solaris directly on simics and make an image from that (you can find

help on it in simics target guide for serengeti).

You can download solaris free from sun's website.

-- Liping

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