Yes the network topology creation code is probably the trickiest section
of GEMS. The hierarchical switch network topology is created by the
function Topology::makeHierarchicalSwitch(). The trick to ensure all
messages are restricted to pass through the root switch is creating
separate switches for the up and down links. All upward switches only
have one output link, which connects to the next highest level link. The
root and downward switches have output links equal to the fanout of the
network tree. All outports from the cache controllers only connect to
upward switches, therefore ensuring that all outgoing messages travel to
the root switch before reaching their destination.
I hope that helps. Let us know if you have any more questions.
On Mon, 24 Oct 2005, Greg Byrd wrote:
> I'm trying to understand how the hierarchical switch network is fully
> ordered. I would assume that there's some routing restriction that
> sends all messages to the root switch, but I haven't yet been able to
> find any such thing in the code.
> Could you either point me to the relevant place(s) in the code, or
> correct my faulty impression that ordering is provided?
> ...Greg Byrd, NC State Univ.
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