[DynInst_API:] [dyninst/dyninst] 25b373: CI workflow to build from spack (#1411)

Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2023 13:56:11 -0700
From: Tim Haines <noreply@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [DynInst_API:] [dyninst/dyninst] 25b373: CI workflow to build from spack (#1411)
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/dyninst/dyninst
  Commit: 25b37343f2f115298bd82eecf579bc3baf06b5ba
  Author: Tim Haines <thaines.astro@xxxxxxxxx>
  Date:   2023-04-20 (Thu, 20 Apr 2023)

  Changed paths:
    A .github/workflows/spack-build.yaml

  Log Message:
  CI workflow to build from spack (#1411)

* CI workflow to build from spack

* Update cron to every Sunday at 3AM

* Force use of intel-tbb

Due to explicit conflicts in the recipe, spack uses intel-parallel-studio which can't be used in automated builds because it prompts the user to accept a license agreement

* Switch to weekly cron schedule

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