[DynInst_API:] Scalable Tools Workshop: Last call for registration ...

Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2019 12:02:43 -0500
From: Barton Miller <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [DynInst_API:] Scalable Tools Workshop: Last call for registration ...
Last reminder ...

The deadline for registering for the Scalable Tools Workshop and guaranteeing
room space at the Granlibakken Resort is THIS FRIDAY, JUNE 28. After this date,
the resort will free up remaining rooms in our block. You *might* still be able
to get a room, but no guarantees as this is a busy time of year for them.

You can find the talk and meeting schedule posted on the workshop website:

The original invite email appears below.

Hope to see you at Granlibakken.

--bart & john

                             2019 Scalable Tools Workshop

We would like to invite you to attend the 2019 edition of the Scalable Tools
Workshop, The workshop will be a 3.5 day event to be held July 28 - August 1
at the Granlibakken Resort at Lake Tahoe.

This is a meeting attended by tool researchers and developers to discuss common
interests and work to advance the state of the art. The organization of this
year's workshop will be like that of prior years. For the benefit of those of
you who have not attended in the past, this is a working workshop that aims to
foster exchange of ideas and catalyze collaboration with colleagues in the field.

The schedule for the workshop will include a balance between attendee presentations
and working groups focused on topics of interest. Working groups can include joint
work on a piece of software, exchange of information to address immediate needs,
work to develop a standard, discussion of opportunities for collaboration, tutorial
sessions, or brainstorming about how to address challenges ahead.  

We will back at the Granlibakken Resort. The total workshop fee will be either $811
per person (double occupancy) or $1065 per person (single), including meeting
costs, 4 nights hotel room, and all meal costs (breakfast, lunch and dinner).
This rate is for a "standard" room (there are 30 of these reserved).  There are
another 10 "deluxe" rooms reserved at a bit higher rate.  These fees assumes a
Sunday arrival, and departure after lunch on Thursday.  You can register for a
shorter period of time, but attendance priority will be given to those who can
attend the full meeting.

Note by reserving lodging space at the Granlibakken as an attendee, you will be
registered for the workshop.  IF YOU WANT TO MAKE A PRESENTATION, YOU STILL NEED
TO SEND US EMAIL with your proposed title and abstract.  Attendees are not
required to make a presentation, but you are encouraged to do so. If you would
like to present your work, you will need to send us a title and brief abstract
for your proposed talk.

The meeting website can be found at:


Click on the "Registration" tab.  Follow the link on that page to the Granlibakken
site.  You'll need to log onto the Granlibakken site with user name "TOOLS19" group

Once we have an initial attendee list, we will solicit topics for working groups and
(as in prior years) select the final topics at the meeting after assessing attendee
interests. If you and another participant want to collaborate on any related topic,
this is the place you can do it.

This workshop is an open event.  You are welcome to pass along this invitation to
colleagues that you think would benefit from attending the workshop. If you send me
additional email addresses, we will make sure that these folks get updates from us.
(Note that we use this mailing list ONLY for the this workshop and do not share it
with any other group or organization.)

Important notes:
  There are limited rooms at the workshop so please register soon to make sure
  that you get space. The hotel gets quite full in the summer.

  If you will share a room with another attendee, BOTH of you must register,
  listing the other person's name in the "I will be sharing lodging with"

  If you want to share a room and don't have a roommate, check the "Please
  assign a roommate" box.

  If you are bringing a guest who is not attending the workshop, they MUST be
  registered with the Granlibakken as well.  The cost is $84/night.

  You can arrange extra days at the resort either before or after the meeting.
  There is a place on the form for indicating that.

Looking forward to seeing you at Lake Tahoe.


--bart miller
  john mellor-crummey
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