Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 243617adebfaa47e5bd27b19648ecc8145de9e9d
Author: Benjamin Welton <welton@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2018-11-05 (Mon, 05 Nov 2018)
Changed paths:
M common/h/entryIDs.h
M instructionAPI/src/InstructionDecoder-power.C
M instructionAPI/src/InstructionDecoder-power.h
M instructionAPI/src/power_opcode_tables.C
Log Message:
Added/updated support for 271 new power instructions
Added full/partial support for the following instructions:
vsldoi ,maddhd ,maddhdu ,maddld ,vbpermq ,extended ,bcdctsq ,bcdcfsq ,bcdctz ,bcdctn ,bcdcfz ,bcdcfn ,bcdsetsgn ,vclzlsbb ,vctzlsbb ,vnegw ,vnegd ,vprtybw ,vprtybd ,vprtybq ,vextsb2w ,vextsh2w ,vextsb2d ,vextsh2d ,vextsw2d ,vctzb ,vctzh ,vctzw ,vctzd ,dcbst ,wait ,td ,lxsiwax ,stfpdux ,slbiag ,cmpeqb ,cmprb ,cnttzw ,cnttzd ,cp_abort ,darn ,extswsl ,ldat ,lwat ,mcrxrx ,mfvsrld ,modsd ,modud ,modsw ,moduw ,msgsnd ,msgclr ,msgsndp ,msgclrp ,msgsync ,mtvsrdd ,mfvsrwz ,mtvsrd ,mtvsrwa ,mtvsrwz ,mtvsrws ,setb ,slbieg ,slbsync ,stdat ,stwat ,clrbhrb ,mfbhrbe ,icbt ,lqarx ,stqcx ,tbegin ,tend ,tabort ,tabortwc ,tabortwci ,tabortdc ,tabortdci ,tsr ,tcheck ,treclaim ,trechkpt ,addg6s ,cdtbcd ,cbcdtd ,divde ,divdeu ,modsd ,lbarx ,lharx ,ldbrx ,stbcx ,stdbrx ,sthcx ,lbzcix ,lwzcix ,ldcix ,stbcix ,sthcix ,stwcix ,stdcix ,lfdpx ,stfdpx ,prtyd ,prtyw ,slbfee ,slbfee ,slbmfee ,slbmfev ,mfocrf ,isel ,tlbiel ,slbmte ,subfze ,mtmsrd ,mtmsr ,copy ,paste ,extswsli ,stxvb16x ,wait ,lxsiwax ,mfvsr!
d ,bpermd
,divwe ,divweu ,lfiwzx ,cmpb ,lfiwax ,lhzcix ,slbia ,slbie ,dtstsfi ,dcffix ,fcfids ,fcfidus ,dadd ,dcmpo ,dcmpu ,dctdp ,dctfix ,ddedpd ,ddiv ,denbcd ,diex ,dmul ,dquai ,dqua ,drintn ,drintx ,drrnd ,drsp ,dscli ,dscri ,dsub ,dtstdc ,dtstdg ,dtstex ,dtstsf ,frsqrtes ,dxex ,xxpermdi ,xvtdivsp ,xxsel ,xxsldwi ,xvnmaddasp ,xscmpexpdp ,xscvuxddp ,xxspltib ,xsaddsp ,xsmaddadp ,xsrdpi ,xssubdp ,xsmsubmdp ,xscmpexpdp ,xscmpexpdp ,xvrspip ,xxinsertw ,xvcmpeqdp ,xvrsqrtedp ,xxlor ,xsnmaddadp ,xscvdpuxds ,xvnabssp ,xvnegsp ,xvcvsxddp ,xsnmsubqp ,daddq ,dcffixq ,dcmpoq ,dcmpuq ,dctfixq ,dctqpq ,ddedpdq ,denbcdq ,ddivq ,diexq ,dmulq ,dquaiq ,dquaq ,drdpq ,drintnq ,drintxq ,drrndq ,dscliq ,dscriq ,dsubq ,dtstdcq ,dtstdgq ,dtstexq ,dtstsfq ,dxexq ,fcpsgn ,fre ,frim ,frin ,frip ,friz ,fctidz ,xsxexpdp ,xsxsigdp ,xscvdphp ,xscvhphp ,xvxexpdp ,xvxsigdp ,xxbrh ,xvxexpsp ,xvxsigsp ,xxbrw ,xxbrd ,xvcvhpsp ,xvcvsphp ,xxbrq ,xsxexpdp ,xvxexpdp ,xscvqpsdz ,dtstsfiq ,xscpsgnqp ,xsdivqp ,xsrqpxp ,fm!
,fmrgow ,fcfidu, fctidu ,fctiduz ,fctiwu ,fctiwuz ,ftdiv ,ftsqrt ,mffs ,mffsce ,mffscdrn ,mffscdrn ,mffscdrni ,mffscrn ,mffsl ,xsabsqp ,xsxexpqp ,xsnegqp ,xsxsigqp ,xssqrtqp ,xsnabsqp ,xscvqpuwz ,xscvudqp ,xscvqpswz ,xscvsdqp ,xscvqpudz ,xscvqpdp ,xscvdpqp ,xscvqpsdz
Currently missing is operand decoding for the following operand types:
UIM(), BHRBE(), IH(), SP(), S(), TE(), DGM(), DCM(), CT(), RSP(), RTP(), EH(), PRS(), A(), R(), BC(), RC(), RIC(), SIM(), DCMX(), RO(), RMC(), EX(), SHB(), PS(), CY(), DRM(), SHW(), XC(), DM(), IMM8()
If an instruction with one of these operands is encounted, the operand will not be docoded and a warning message printed. Over time support for these operands will be added.
**NOTE:** This service has been marked for deprecation:
Functionality will be removed from on January 31st, 2019.