Date: | Thu, 15 Mar 2018 14:02:51 +0100 |
From: | Thomas Dullien <thomasdullien@xxxxxxxxxx> |
Subject: | Re: [DynInst_API:] Telling DynInst a particular function is non-returning |
Hey there, ok, rebuilding DynInst 9.3.2 now to investigate why adding the string does not seem to have any effect. I looked at the source code, and I *think* the function is already in the list of non-returning functions. Checking what is going on. Example setup: __stack_chk_fail proc near       ; CODE XREF: init:loc_54673âp                    Â; uninit:loc_54705âp ...        Âjmp  Âcs:__stack_chk_fail_ptr __stack_chk_fail endp .text:00000000000A4290 var_8     Â= qword ptr -8 .text:00000000000A4290 .text:00000000000A4290 graph = rdi              Â; AVFilterGraph_0 * .text:00000000000A4290 flags = rsi              Â; unsigned int .text:00000000000A4290 ; __unwind { .text:00000000000A4290        Âpush  rax .text:00000000000A4291        Âmov  Ârax, fs:28h .text:00000000000A429A        Âmov  Â[rsp+8+var_8], rax .text:00000000000A429E        Âmov  Â[graph+5Ch], esi .text:00000000000A42A1        Âmov  Ârax, fs:28h .text:00000000000A42AA        Âcmp  Ârax, [rsp+8+var_8] .text:00000000000A42AE        Âjnz  Âshort loc_A42B2 .text:00000000000A42B0        Âpop  Ârax .text:00000000000A42B1        Âretn .text:00000000000A42B2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:00000000000A42B2 .text:00000000000A42B2 loc_A42B2:               ; CODE XREF: avfilter_graph_set_auto_convert+1Eâj .text:00000000000A42B2        Âcall  __stack_chk_fail .text:00000000000A42B2 ; } // starts at A4290 .text:00000000000A42B2 avfilter_graph_set_auto_convert endp DynInst for some reason does not interpret the tailing call as non-return. Digging to see what is going on, will update here as I learn more :) Cheers, Thomas On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 1:58 PM, Xiaozhu Meng <mxz297@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
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