[DynInst_API:] Slicing across blocks

Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2016 16:43:19 -0400
From: Mohamed Elsabagh <melsabag@xxxxxxx>
Subject: [DynInst_API:] Slicing across blocks
I am trying to slice on the last call in the snippet below, using the default predicate, but the returned slice only contains a single node (the call instruction itself):

mov 0x804ba3, %ebx
add 0x5, %ebx

call foo()
mov %eax, 0x1c(%esp)
call *%ebx // backward slice from here

The same exact slicing code is working fine on all other indirect calls in the binary. This particular call differs from the rest in that the dereferenced register (ebx) is in a different basic block than the call instruction. Are there any flags that I need to pass to the slicer to resolve this? Â

I am invoking the slicer as follows:Â

AssignmentConverter ac(true, false);
vector<Assignment::Ptr> assigns;
ac.convert(insn, insn_addr, func, block, assigns);

Slicer slicer(assigns.back(), block, func);

Slicer::Predicates defaultPredicates;
GraphPtr graph = slicer.backwardSlice(defaultPredicates);

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