On 02/13/2015 10:54 AM, Rakesh Kumar wrote:
I wanted to know if DynInst can be used to profile/instrument OS/kernel
code in additional to the user level code. What I want to do is get some
statistics, say hottest basic blocks, for an application but not only
for user level code but also for OS/kernel code included.
I know PIN can instrument only user level code. But I was curious if
DynInst can instrument OS/Kernel code or not. If it cannot can somebody
suggest any other tool that can.
PS: I tried searching the answer in archives unsuccessfully.
Dyninst is purely user-level. We had a tool, KernInst, that worked at
the kernel level but work on that has been idle for years. SystemTap
provides an integrated kernel-space/user-space instrumentation
interface, using Dyninst for its user-space needs, but it may operate at
a coarser granularity than you want.
Bill Williams
Paradyn Project