Re: [DynInst_API:] [PATCH] proccontrol: Always set UserRPCState in runIRPC

Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2014 16:21:19 -0800
From: Josh Stone <jistone@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [DynInst_API:] [PATCH] proccontrol: Always set UserRPCState in runIRPC
On 02/07/2014 04:04 PM, Josh Stone wrote:
> In commit 185f2def1921, RPCs first desynced UserRPCState to running, but
> then merge commit 6edcf768c20d restricted it to ephemeral threads.  I
> believe that was a mistake, and really all threads running iRPC need
> this state to make sure they don't stall in the middle.

I feel I should elaborate a little on this commit message.  This stall
is exactly the "interesting problem" mentioned in a comment of
PCProcess::postIRPC_internal.  Callbacks during an iRPC might set the
normal user state to stopped, but it still needs to complete the iRPC.

I've had trouble with fork-exec mutatees, where everything would hang
when I tried to loadLibrary from the exec callback.  It turned out to be
exactly this "interesting problem", except the fallback loop there
wasn't getting a chance to help.  However, if I did *anything* to nudge
the parent process of the fork, even silly like kill -SIGWINCH, then the
runIRPCSync would finally return its error.  Then that fallback loop
would finally call continueStoppedIRPC and get things moving.

With this patch, the UserRPCState=running takes precedence while the
iRPC is running, and the normal user state can't ever stall it.  This
solves my fork-exec-loadLibrary issue, and I believe it also solves the
whole "interesting problem".  It probably doesn't hurt to leave that
workaround in place for a while though, just to be sure.

I'm still investigating other exec issues; for instance, I think it's a
problem that initial library callbacks are delivered before exec
callbacks, because it's important to know this is a new process.  Still,
solving this hang was the most significant part to me.

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