Re: [DynInst_API:] Stackwalking in a mutatee

Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 10:00:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: Matthew LeGendre <legendre1@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [DynInst_API:] Stackwalking in a mutatee

It's been several years since I tried doing 1st-party stackwalks from an instrumented mutatee and things may have changed. But the last time I did this you could add a call to


before you insert instrumentation. This would cause Dyninst to generate stack frames around generated instrumentation. That adds runtime overhead, but also gives a stack walker sufficient information to walk out of the instrumentation.

I believe there's also efforts underway to have Dyninst start updating existing DWARF stack unwinding information as it instruments and relocates code. But I'm not sure where those efforts stand or when they'd appear in a released Dyninst. Someone from the Dyninst team would have to comment.


On Wed, 28 Aug 2013, Marc Brünink wrote:
Dear all,

short version:
What is the appropriate way to walk the stack in a mutatee?

long version:
StackwalkerAPI implements basic stack walking. Some code in Dyninst implements the additional tweaks necessary to handle the complexity added by instrumentation. Thus, we can still perform a third party stackwalk of instrumented code.

But how do I perform a first party stackwalk in the mutatee? The problem is that only the mutator knows about all this additional Dyninst features, e.g. which code got relocated, etc.

I suppose this is a very common problem. However, at the moment I fail to find a nice, clean, and easy way to walk the stack in the mutatee.
Before I dive into this in more detail, let me ask a simple question:

Is there an obvious way to walk the stack in the mutatee which I just don't know about? Or do I have to manually make sure the FrameSteppers etc. in my mutatee are up-to-date?

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