[DynInst_API:] Major new release (8.0) of Dyninst Tool Suite

Date: Tue, 04 Dec 2012 17:20:20 -0600
From: Barton Miller <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [DynInst_API:] Major new release (8.0) of Dyninst Tool Suite
               Dyninst 8.0 Release
               ParseAPI 8.0 Release
               SymtabAPI 8.0 Release
               InstructionAPI 8.0 Release
               StackwalkerAPI 8.0 Release
               ProcControl 8.0 Release
	       PatchAPI 8.0 Release
               DynC_API 8.0 Release

We are pleased to announce a new release of Dyninst 8.0 and its component
tool kits. This release includes ParseAPI 8.0, SymtabAPI 8.0, InstructionAPI
8.0, StackwalkerAPI 8.0,  ProcControl 8.0, PatchAPI 8.0, and DynC_API 8.0.

This release has substantial new functionality and efficiency improvements.
Note the features for added support for Windows, IBM BG/Q, and Cray systems.
systems. As of this release, all of the component toolkits are fully integrated
with Dyninst.

Note that we also have available three small but cool tools: a code coverage
tool, unstrip (adds a symbol table back to a stripped binary), and Dyner,
an interactive command shell for doing instrumentation.

Highlights of this release:

  Greatly decreased instrumentation overhead
  Function wrapping
  BPatch_object abstraction
  Standards-compliant configure script
  BG/Q rewriter support
  ProcControl, Stackwalker,PatchAPI integration

  Windows, BG/Q support
  Improved iRPC interface
  Process group abstraction

  Windows, BG/Q support
  Analysis stepper
  Blue Waters/Cascade support
  Improved debug (dwarf) stepper

  Initial release
  Modification support

  Improved non-returning call analysis
  Modification support

  BG/Q instruction support

  BG/Q file generation support
  Memory leaks greatly reduced
  DWARF 4 support

Note that all Dyninst code is now open source, released under the GNU LGPL.

And thank you to Red Hat for hosting the Linux RPMs.

For information about these software releases and manuals, please visit
Downloads: http://www.paradyn.org/html/downloads.html
Manuals: http://www.paradyn.org/html/manuals.html
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