Re: [DynInst_API:] undefined reference to `dlopen' error during parseThat build

Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 10:49:10 -0600
From: Andrew Bernat <bernat@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [DynInst_API:] undefined reference to `dlopen' error during parseThat build
We have been fighting with that for a long time, and I had thought we had it fixed. Apparently not. 

Can you manually copy that compile line and add -ldl to the end, after -ldwarf? I'll go figure out why it's not there to start with. 


On Nov 21, 2012, at 10:43 AM, Wei Ming Khoo <weimzz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi devs,

I was trying out dyninst 8 on 32-bit Ubuntu 12.04 and hit the following compile error doing 'make DyninstAPI'.

Begin parseThat build for i686-pc-linux-gnu
g++ -I../../codeCoverage/h -I../../common/h -I../../dataflowAPI/h -I../../depGraphAPI/h -I../../dwarf/h -I../../dynC_API/h -I../../dyninstAPI/h -I../../dyninstAPI_RT/h -I../../dynutil/h -I../../elf/h -I../../instructionAPI/h -I../../parseAPI/h -I../../patchAPI/h -I../../proccontrol/h -I../../stackwalk/h -I../../symlite/h -I../../symtabAPI/h -Wall parseThat.o config.o ipc.o record.o strlist.o reglist.o log.o utils.o sha1.o dyninstCore.o dyninstCompat.v5.o -o parseThat -L/usr/lib -L../../codeCoverage/i386-unknown-linux2.4 -L../../common/i386-unknown-linux2.4 -L../../depGraphAPI/i386-unknown-linux2.4 -L../../dwarf/i386-unknown-linux2.4 -L../../dynC_API/i386-unknown-linux2.4 -L../../dyner/i386-unknown-linux2.4 -L../../dyninstAPI/i386-unknown-linux2.4 -L../../dyninstAPI_RT/i386-unknown-linux2.4 -L../../elf/i386-unknown-linux2.4 -L../../instructionAPI/i386-unknown-linux2.4 -L../../parseAPI/i386-unknown-linux2.4 -L../../patchAPI/i386-unknown-linux2.4 -L../../proccontrol/i386-unknown-linux2.4 -L../../stackwalk/i386-unknown-linux2.4 -L../../symlite/i386-unknown-linux2.4 -L../../symtabAPI/i386-unknown-linux2.4 -L../../testsuite/i386-unknown-linux2.4 -ldl  -ldyninstAPI -lstackwalk -lpcontrol -lpatchAPI -lparseAPI -linstructionAPI -lsymtabAPI -lsymLite -ldynDwarf -ldynElf -lcommon -pthread  -ldwarf
../../proccontrol/i386-unknown-linux2.4/ undefined reference to `dlopen'
../../proccontrol/i386-unknown-linux2.4/ undefined reference to `dlerror'
../../proccontrol/i386-unknown-linux2.4/ undefined reference to `dlsym'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [parseThat] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/wmk26/dyninst/parseThat/i386-unknown-linux2.4'
make: *** [parseThat] Error 2
~/dyninst$ git rev-parse --short HEAD

I noticed that the '-ldl' library is specified, so I'm not sure what's going on. Any ideas?

Wei Ming
Dyninst-api mailing list

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