Dear CHTC Users,
This email is for users of our High Throughput Computing (HTC) system. As mentioned in the April 26 email, the HTC system is undergoing an operating system update
to CentOS Stream 9.
We are overhauling our Software Solutions guides as part of the transition to the new operating system. The current Python, R, and Matlab guides are being archived.
Moving forward, see our new "Overview:
How to Use Software" guide for instructions on how to deploy specific software.
Here are some key changes:
We will no longer be providing pre-compiled versions of Python, R, or Matlab. Instead we are providing instructions on how to build containers for these
software. The existing pre-compiled programs will still be available, but may not work with the new operating system.
Guides for specific software will no longer be linked directly through the "Software Solutions" section of the HTC Guides page. Instead, you can find the
instructions or links to separate guides in the new "Overview: How to Use Software".
We are providing examples for how to use different software in a GitHub "Recipes" repository at
To help users adapt their workflows to use software with the new operating system,
we are offering extra office hours this Wednesday, May 1st, in-person in Room 1170 of the
Discovery Building. Additional sessions will be scheduled later
in May.
Please contact us at
chtc@xxxxxxxxxxx or stop by office hours with any questions.
The Facilitation Team