[Chtc-users] Enhanced chtc_mcc released

Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2012 15:02:44 -0500
From: Bill Taylor <bt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Chtc-users] Enhanced chtc_mcc released
If you are not running Matlab in CHTC please ignore.

The previous chtc_mcc only let you build one or more compiled
Matlab programs from a list of mfiles.

It did not create mex files.
It did not allow the Matlab java runtime.
It did not allow a tarfile containing all the mfiles.
It did not allow compiling deep into multiple folders
     to resolve the needs of the target.

These are resolved.

The web page: http://chtc.cs.wisc.edu/MATLABandR.shtml has the basics.

full details( with examples) are  available with chtc_mcc help:

chtc_mcc --help

New version will exist on submit-chtc.wisc.edu as of 7/28.

Other submit nodes which have the rpm already merely
need a system administrator to issue this command:

yum update chct-utils

Those not having the tools yet can have their administrators
run the commands at the bottom of the above web page.

Bill Taylor 608-263-2656 (608-219-4430)
Center for High Throughput Computing(CHTC)
Condor project
Computer Sciences
University of Wisconsin, Madison

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